022: Sex, money, feelings

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|Isadora Xara|

Many altercations played out in my mind, absence from the gorgeous blue-eyed monster did clear my mind from distractions. Although, the amount of pleasure he emitted into my fibres did countlessly loop my mind. I despised this feeling, with each moment wondering about what the devil is up to. He staked temporary control over me and that wasn't what I signed up for, to be control and fucken hell not by him. My tongue still ravished by the taste of his whiskey and spicy cigars. The scent of his spiced cologne still filling my nostrils and the desire forming in my belly didn't halter the ache between my legs. Fuck, I hate him.

When I came back to our apartment, darkness blanketed the place. Luckily, when I scouted the place there wasn't any visitors waiting for me, discovery of Rio's dirty pile of clothes in Alysanne's room did indicate that they had one of their few sessions before her absence. It crossed my mind whether Rio would return and I wished he wouldn't, I wasn't prepared to answer his endless questions and be under his scrutiny. Rio couldn't handle this, just because he is in gang didn't mean he could handle the dangers of the underworld.

It wasn't long before I passed out on my bed, with darkness came those haunting cerulean orbs that I craved to devour but it seemed he is beating me to it. Staring into my destructive soul that indulged in taking the souls of others. It revolted me to even imagine his presence, to actually desire him. Emotions complicated things in this line of work, especially if you have an endless number of targets on your back. This had to be lust, right. I only want pleasure from him, nothing of that emotional bullshit, only sex.

There is more at stake than just my head on a silver platter if I don't deliver my name rested on this mission and I'd rather die than go back empty handed. The thought of this being my last mission didn't scare me like most would think, it excited me and jolted the nerves in my body. Bodies scattered and blood to shed, my kind of territory. It's an addiction really, I attempted to leave and leading a dull mundane life didn't satisfy me like it did others. Sometimes I questioned why Alysanne would even leave or how for that matter. It's like a drug, to slaughter.

Fuck, I loved the sensation of warm blood coating my body and the sweet pleas for mercy beckoning my ears. There is so much that draws you in, you don't ever want to leave. Alysanne might think its insane to actually adore these kinds of things but secretly she loves it more, the power. Whether she admits it or not isn't my decision, she constantly battles with accepting who she is, a killer.

Time wasn't on my side; two weeks is my allocated time and I planned on bringing her home in one. Plus, Diavolo wasn't allowing anymore time. This is obviously a family member without hesitation and the overwhelming fire erupting within my body, the dark part wanted to prove that I could concur this mission without blinking an eye. Maybe I am overly confident but then again, I knew my capacity. In addition, the role of being a stripper came naturally for obvious reasons. Deception is second nature to me but the difficult aspects is tricking them and finding Varvara at the same time.

Diavolo didn't send me there blindsided, night of the sudden mission reveal to his friends is also when he called me into his office. Never having met Varvara, I couldn't rescue her without analyzing the features, which is what Diavolo did.

He handed over a photo of her and to say I was flabbergasted would be an understatement. Captivating coffee sparkled within the golden syrup that mixed with lime, her orbs where truly ethereal that you couldn't decipher the dominant colour. Luscious decadent chocolate waves cascaded upon her back, soft cheekbones, perfectly proportioned lips that accentuated her face. The one thing that drew you in is her mysterious smile, it wasn't just happiness but a few other components that made her all the more fascinating.

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