050: Devoured pain

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|Diavolo Tchenkov|

I couldn't fathom the reason behind this;
her words rang in my ears. I take full advantage of her skills that are at my disposal simply because that's what she is good for, castrating my enemies and nothing else. Isadora wasn't ever going to more powerful than me; she didn't have any power to begin with.

Now, she is the daughter of the legendary Cordova line and that title comes with a significant amount of power.

It hasn't dawned on me; Isadora is now at the same level as me. We are equal status of competition and not having her as my personal killer is one thing but having her as a rival is another situation all together. There wasn't an ounce of hesitation in her movements or words, she said what she felt and that is the truth.

The main thought that bothered me in that moment is the idea of never seeing her again, I treat her like shit, let's be honest but now I didn't have that privilege anymore. Now, she had free reign to demolish me as she sees fit and that part made me hungrier for her.

Her essence was never submissive, she radiated her dominance the moment we met with her piercing crystal blues and confident demeanour. Now, she is unstoppable with that kind of power. I can't expect what would become of her; will the blood thirst increase more so will it be my head she wants on a silver platter?

But the fucked up thing is I craved it, her attention, her focus solely on me and nothing else.

I despise yet utterly lust for her. It's fucking with my mind, how can I crave her now more than ever? It's infuriating because ever since she left that's all that's plagued my mind. Her curvaceous figure that I yearn to touch, her soft skin that burned to be marked by me, delicious cherry lips that I wanted to taste that fucking ravishing blue eyes I couldn't get enough of.

This is fucked up; this entire situation is fucked up.

On top of it all, Ivana is sneaking her way back into the industry, My drug suppliers and distributers from France and Italy switched over to her side which is costing me major scores, supplying from Russia.

Other parts of the country is not fast enough and is entirely draining. It doesn't put a dent in my pocket but if this continues further into Brazil and Spain then I am royally fucked and losing a lot more money than I anticipated. Furthermore, she is sabotaging my nightclubs in New York, she was the reason two of them were bombed. Luckily, no one was in the club therefore there were no causalities that would draw more attention to me. However, the cost to rebuild, relocate and establish is time I frankly don't have and money I don't want to fucking spend.

Bianca took full advantage of this opportunity, she doesn't take the business seriously enough and therefore her father doesn't see putting her in charge as a smart move. She hired two wedding planners and has already booked the venue and caterer. It's evident that she wants to tie the knot as soon as possible with my money of course. There is a war brewing, I can practically taste it and she wants to fucking do this bullshit.

Bianca was always threatened by Isadora, her entire aesthetic radiated dominance and being overthrown by someone that wasn't in power always frustrated her. Wait till she hears that Isadora is indeed a legacy and a queen nonetheless.

Now that Isadora isn't here, Bianca wants this to happen quicker than expected. What she doesn't know is that I have been watching every fucking detail that she has been up to ever since we announced the engagement. Specifically her time back home in Ireland, acquainted with her Irish lover that she doesn't mind sleeping with almost every day that she is back. I always knew she was a whore, nothing surprises me. That wasn't the worst; I could care less who she sleeps with.

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