031: Enchanté

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|Third POV|

Isadora couldn't believe the amount of love that radiated throughout the ruthless family, especially when it came to the troublemaking princesses. They had these big bad alpha males wrapped tightly around their chubby fingers. Ziana and Corvina could just pout and all the men would be at their beck and call.

Sebastian is there punching bag and that wasn't figuratively. Its enduring to watch the bond between all of them, Diavolo surprised her the most with the amount of love he gave to all of them without a second thought. It came so naturally when Corvina would be in his arms and the most genuine smile would form on his lips, entertaining her strings of talks without knowing what she even meant.

Isadora felt an inner tremor, secretly latching onto these moments that Diavolo displayed, maybe both sides appealed to her, the dark side and the good side.

Isadora anticipated the initiation ceremony more than she led on, apart of her did feel disgusted with the giddiness that blossomed throughout her. She did however find it quite cliché that after centuries they still do these things, like a sorority. 'I pledge to blow your enemies brains out till the end of time.' The thought made her chuckle but secretly she didn't rule out that as one of the pledges.

Diavolo announced an annual feast that night, which would take place the following night. He instructed that it was held for various reasons but Isadora knew it was because of Varvara. Isadora felt anxious for the awaiting dinner, which frankly didn't sit well with a woman carved of spice and gun powder. Her emotions were all over the place, each fibre controlling the rattling within her heart. This is just sex and killing, she constantly reminded. A mantra that formed when she met Diavolo.

The same could be said for Diavolo, only he couldn't decipher what he felt towards the emerald vixen. He knew the initial plan was to train her, make her his weapon so that he would rule the entire underworld. That is still the plan but he couldn't deny the fleeting moments that fucked with his head. Diavolo wouldn't let something as trivial as their sexual chemistry detour him from the plan, there was no doubt in his mind that Isadora will be moulded into an immaculate weapon and whether she died or not will be entirely up to her.

Diavolo didn't care or so he thought.

Dinner came sooner than expected to everyone, the excitement flowed through each and everyone's veins. The men were surprised with how well the woman got along, often questioning if they actually knew Isadora and Alysanne before they came. The atmosphere settled within the mansion or the castle as Isadora would put it. This night is well deserved, each member anticipated a drama free night.

Although they didn't know of the surprises that were in store for them, it felt like they had just settled done from the heavy encounters. Only, they didn't know of the severe consequences of their actions. The game has just begun, can the players handle it?

|Isadora Xara|

There is a lot of things I am thankful for, I am a heartless killer but even I knew when to appreciate these precious moments in life and this defiantly is one of them. The only table I had gathered around was for Rio's family when they took me in, somehow the endless amount of people that sat at the crystal glass table made a familiar warmth wrap around my body.

Is this what families are like? To come home at the end of a hard day and gather around a table to share your experiences? Well, in their case. The latest killing spree.

Villainous murderers are seated in the decadent patterned chairs, with genuine smiles upon there perfectly carved faces. Are all killers really this attractive? It didn't matter whether they liked their job or not, at this very moment, family is all that matters. When the initiation takes place, would I become apart of their family? More so, would this be my afternoons, dining with people that would take a bullet for me?

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