054: Into you

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|Diavolo Tchenkov|

I shouldn't feel this way; everything that transpired was supposed to diminish this desideratum for her. But after the first time; I needed more of her body, craved the delicious sugary taste of her luscious lips, desired to consume her in ways she would never imagine. Once wasn't enough and twice couldn't sustain me, after a couple times there was a point where we both passed out of exhaustion.

With Isadora, it's always unpredictable. She could be next to be, ready to go for another round and the other is; she could leave me without a trace. Isadora chose the latter, waking up without her by my side brought all sorts of conflicting feelings upon me, mainly infuriation and annoyance.

Now, I want to please, eat, and fuck her 24/7.

There wasn't a moment to dwell when my blood seared through my veins, the chill that coated my body now replaced with a vengeful amount of heat radiating throughout my body. I didn't expect last night to happen; we always test boundaries but never push any further and now we crossed a line that we certainly cannot pretend didn't happen. If Ivana ever learns of last night, the possibilities are endless to how she will manipulate her way over my empire.

Isadora would never do those sorts of things to gain what she wants; Isadora is rather forceful and forward in her tactics while Ivana is more conniving and calculating. The two harbour different goals and personalities yet Isadora seems to hang on every instruction that Ivana thrusts upon her way. Isadora cannot be this imperceptive to the tricks Ivana is pulling a woman who commits such carnage for years on end will not simply change for family. One thing is quite clear, Ivana is grooming her daughter to become the perfect heir to the throne and snag a top contender in our side to ensure both families can crucify competition for the top spot.

Isadora is by all means not weak or easy to control therefore this whole ordeal with her "mother" is throwing me off of her real agenda. She is absorbing every space in my mind, whether it be this plan she might be creating or the amount of times she clung onto me as we fucked our frustration away. Running my fingers through my hair, a slight ache reappearing since she pulled my hair like she wanted to tear it from the root.

Isadora is every man's wet dream for fucking plenty of reasons and last night assured me I will not share her with anyone. Her pussy is mine to fuck and to eat. There will not be any man in this entire world that can fucking take her in ways I only can and I'lI make certain no one will even so much as catch her tantalizing scent. Because what I want is her and I will fucken make sure no one, not even Ivana can come between that.

Everything was flung on the floor and I changed into my clothes since she wouldn't be back. Leaving her room in the animalistic state that we created last night, I retreated back into my room. In desperate need of a shower to relieve the stress that's weighing on my mind, Isa being the main source. Once the sizzling water touched my skin the riveting sensations from last night transpired again in my mind.

Everything magnified when we touched and I haven't felt this sort of rage and hunger towards someone since; well never.

Furthermore, who planted the seed of my father murdering hers? they were best friends yet it's perceived that they were sworn enemies. Ivana knew this detail quite well and yet she purposely changed the story. She is sly as a fox and will do anything to ensure that Isadora and I do not fall into the same bed because that will sway Isadora's decision to take me down. It's blatantly obvious that her hatred for me runs deep and I quite couldn't figure out why? Ivana desires a war that ends in catastrophe, Isadora levels me in terms of power and strength and if war is waged; only one family with reign.

The water ran cold and I didn't even notice until my entire body felt like an icicle. Quickly wiping myself down with the towel I didn't leave much to process as my body went into autopilot. Dressing in my signature suit as they were seemingly hung in the closet by one of her workers, no doubt she instructed them to snoop through my things. Sadly nothing of importance lounged in my luggage besides clothes.

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