047: Lose my mind

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|Isadora Xara|

This couldn't be happening, my best friend for many years, the one whose family took me in after all the tragedy that transpired in my life. I had no one, no family; the streets would have been my home if they didn't take me in, with open arms nonetheless. Was that all a lie? All those nights we sat around the dining table, was it an illusion to who they truly are? How am I supposed to look at them the same, look at him the same?

"Isadora." Diavolo's voice drew me out of mind.

Redirecting my gaze towards his authoritative figure, it hasn't even been two hours since we got back. Nadia, Sebastian, Alysanne and I reported back to Diavolo with a successful mission of killing their followers and taking Rio hostage. Diavolo wasted no time in throwing him in one of the torture rooms. As of this moment, he is the enemy and I didn't know what to make of the entire situation.

"How do you know, Alvrio Cipriani?" Diavolo calmly questioned.

So that is his real name, not even his name was real.

Holding his cerulean orbs with my emeralds, there wasn't an ounce of what I felt passing through my eyes. Diavolo couldn't read it but what is the point of deceiving him because eventually he will find out. Its common knowledge of our relation but I wasn't about to drop the veil of emotions swarming within me for him to see.

"I know him as Rio Claremont. His family took me in when I was ten after I lost my parents. I didn't know they were involved in the mafia. Income wise, they didn't disclose that information to me and neither did Rio."

Diavolo studied me, calculating the depth of deceit that I might be initiating. The truth is, I didn't even know if I wanted to. A part of me craved to handle Rio myself but another twisted part that thirsted for blood made me want Rio to face Diavolo head on, let the monster out.

But, was I more the monster than him?

"Do you harbour any feelings towards the boy?"

That answer would have been as simple as the colour of the sky. Was all these years going to be thrown away because Rio deceived me?

"No, I don't."

Diavolo's vexatious grin grew at my words, he signalled towards the door and when I turned around. The shadow of Nikolai's, figure is left behind, Diavolo is up to something, his diabolical mind is always planning ten steps ahead and that shiver slithering up my spine made that notion clear.

"What are you up to Diavolo?"

He let out one of those maniac laughs, the ones that hungry animals relished in. Time moved at his pace, the controller of the game. The door reopened and this time Nikolai returned with someone in his grip. Rio is torn apart, those dark jeans were now covered in dirt and his original white shirt is now tainted with a musk colour.

His face however remained untouched, his ebony waves were untidy upon his head and those gingerbread orbs weren't filled with anguish. They remained the same as the day we met, soft and gentle.

The agonising part in my heart ached, his arms were bound behind him as Nikolai kicked him behind his legs, letting him kneel before me, Anyone in this position alone makes me relish in the power of superiority but those chocolate orbs held none of the resentment I expected. Rio instead smiled reminding me that everything is okay and that he didn't care of the choices that were going to decide his fate. I knew the reason; this is reassurance for me.

My palms started to feel sweaty and the fire slowly boiled the blood in my body. How can I fucking look at his kind smile and forget about the betrayal, it wouldn't be enough.

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