049: Here's the secret

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|Isadora Xara|

The is alarming, Rio wouldn't last this long if it wasn't for a specific purpose. A day has passed and Diavolo's true intentions for keeping him here is still unknown. Although my thoughts did drift to Bianca's presence which would answer the question on why he didn't act on his primal instinct. I wouldn't put it past him to screw her brains out. Only difference is I wish I could put a bullet in it.

When Varvara mentioned that Diavolo requested Rio's presence last night, my mind automatically drifted to his death. But Rio wasn't cruelly shot in the skull, instead Vara informed me that it was a rather necessary meeting between the two to discuss Ivana Cordova and her next move.

Not much to my surprise since I predicted it, all the girls took a liking to Rio.

He is undoubtedly charming and kind which made the girls melt, with the additional cuts and bruises they were instantly drawn towards him.

Nadrielle found him adorable and she obviously captured his attention which didn't sit well with Nikolai. The man is a master at masking his emotions so even though he didn't display his displeasure. I can guess that he didn't think Nadrielle would be this affectionate to someone other than him.

Currently, it is a day of much needed alcohol but then again which day isn't for us. Nadrielle and Varvara were catering to our needs but Varvara drank mostly every content of the bottle. Alysanne and Katarina respectively declined due to the fact that Ziana and Corvina were with us and with their care.

Alysanne sat cross legged upon the fluffy ebony carpet which were scattered in barbie dolls and various stuffed toys. Her mind would wander and everything became drowned out when she was with Corvina, absentmindedly running her fingers through Corvina's curly hair. She would also tickle Ziana often, making sure she showed equal amount of attention to the girls which I found enduring.

Katarina was also on the carpet, entertaining the babies just as much as Alysanne. Azarov unexpectedly left Corvina with Alysanne more often if she had the baby in her arms and he had prior engagements, he wouldn't dismiss Corvina out of her care like before.

The sound of ice cubes rocking against the glass filled my ears as Nadrielle slid vodka on the rocks into my grasp while she downed her whiskey neat. Varvara had her signature cosmopolitan which didn't last long as she drank it like juice.

"What do you think Diavolo and Rio were talking about?" I curiously asked, directing towards Nadrielle for any indication of what transpired.

Nadrielle shrugged, "It was at night involving Diavolo, obviously something malevolent."

Rolling my eyes at the obvious choice of what went down. "Tell me something I don't know, princess." Taking another sip of the vodka which allowed the burn to slowly dance down to my throat.

"Rio is kinda hot," Varvara's low voice stated, her eyes were glassy and rather imprinted with zero focus. It's as if she detached herself and wasn't even here.

Waving my hand in front of her face, "Babe, are you alright?" Furrowing my brows at her demeanor. Varvara has been seemingly drinking more these last few weeks and her attitude towards various situations is dismissive. There is something going on, she doesn't want to talk about.

Varvara yet again pretended as if I never asked the question and Nadrielle threw a worried look my way, she wasn't going to admit anything and for now it wasn't the best to press the issue further.

Shifting my attention towards the babies, Alysanne currently cooing at Ziana and Corvina, her eyes sparkling with happiness that I have never seen, "You have that mommy role down, peaches." I winked at her and she shyly smiled but returned her gaze towards them although the bitch side of her discreetly threw a middle finger my way.

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