059: Inferno

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|Isadora Cordova|

This made me sound like a love sick puppy if I ever admitted that Diavolo took residence in my mind. Fucking him out of my system was supposed to solve that problem but it worsened after and it further destroyed me tonight. It brought up emotions we couldn't feel, this irresistible magnetic pull between us has to be severed before its too late. But I think it already is.

I fucked up badly tonight, jeopardizing the entire team for the sake of my own pleasure with Diavolo. Usually, I wouldn't feel a thing about endangering Bane's people but spending time with them made me realise that they were much more than his puppets, hate is a strong word but it perfectly describes what they feel towards him.

Bane ruled with manipulation and blackmail, one would assume that it gains your number and strength because your people do your dirty work. The downside is when it really came down to choices, to save him or protect him. He might have perceived his way of recruiting to be the only way but he is mistaken it he thinks that he has their loyalty.

Tonight Diavolo fucked himself over, he was finally off of their radar. But as usual he didn't give a shit and inserted himself where he didn't belong. Stealing shipments of the drugs that Bane desperately wanted, bad move. I couldn't contain that bubble inside my chest, it felt restricting after the realization that he is going to be Bane's number one target.

Of course he can defend himself, I wasn't worried about that. The repercussions of his actions will crumble his empire, Bane didn't go into an operation blindly; he calculated each move before making them and torturing Diavolo's business from the Inside will ensure that he is victorlous.

I want to blame Diavolo for this, to despise him and throw away all those emotions that captivate my entire soul. Anything to detach myself from what I feel for him and so far that wasn't working. Due to my stupidity, all of us were in this predicament and it wasn't just Diavolo's fault.

I wasn't afraid of Bane's wrath but he had leverage over me and certainly the rest of the team. We were royally fucked. For the first time, I felt guilt creep into me like a disease. Switching my gaze to analyze them beside me, all standing with their hands behind their backs and blank eyes, their whole features were motionless and I felt the disease spread rapidly throughout my body.

There is a 99.05% chance that Bane would execute them on the spot and their blood will be on my hands. Many peoples blood are on my hands but them, they would be the only ones I would care about.

Bane blew up after Alia reported on the mission, he pounded his fist into the desk with a growl.

"All of you are the worst fucking excuse of a team."

The fire flaring in his eyes and the shade of his skin turning a vivid red, Bane ran his fingers vigorously through his locks that I half expected him to pull them out of his scalp. He paced back an forth befor throwing one of his glass plaques agains the wall with a scream.

"Fucking useless piece of shits!"

Bane turned his back towards us and repeatedly punched the desk that blood started to coat his fists and the desk, spreading crimson. After that he slidded everything on his desk with one swipe, paperwork were flying and his stationary were hitting the bookshelves. He wasnt having a mental breakdown, Bane is enraged with a force so strong that it warped his entire office.

What surprised me the most is after all that growling and screaming he proceeded to laugh. As if this entire situation was comedic but nothing about the tone of his laughter was filled with humor, it is sinister.nHe turned his attention upon us but mainly focusing on the five beside me.

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