017: Blood lines

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|Diavolo Tchenkov|

All to familiar, that craving to spill blood, to smear the essence of sin all over me. The barrel rested against her forehead, glowing with the devious smirk that arose upon her luscious coral lips. She depicted the perfect vixen unlike any woman I have ever known, the whores were always willing to jump onto my cock. She wasn't any different but the charisma and equal bloodlust made her wicked and that is what attracted me, the never-ending thirst that continued to flow through my stream. The nerve wrecking itch to kill, to listen to the sweet sound of there cries as you skin them alive. That is the peek of euphoria for me and I knew she felt the same, why else would I have chosen such a monstrosity, to match my own.

Everything would run smoothly if she didn't question my authority or undermine me, the only one that holds victorious is me, I reign over the entire underworld and this bitch dares question me. She didn't fear me, there wasn't a moment that went by that she trembled at my presence. It aggravated me, this simple-minded whore had the ability to rattle me, to make me seem inferior. My body engulfed with flames, radiating endlessly as my body shook in rage, the beast is famished.

"Don't." Nikolai's monotone voice rang through my ears as his figure concealed the smart mouthed bitch.

My gun still rested on his forehead, the tips of my fingers itching to pull the trigger and watch her body slump to the ground, her lifeless body beneath me. "I want to see fear flash in her eyes before I take away her pathetic life," I gritted, my grip on the gun turning my knuckles white at the restraint to not shoot Nikolai in the process.

"Honey, you will never see that in me," her sadistic laugh filled the room at her statement and Nikolai visibly tensed at her words.

Her curvaceous figure slipped from behind him, smirking at me before Niko pushed her behind him without losing his grip. His hold tightening while I fumed and wanted to taste her blood, "Nikolai, let that bitch go, NOW!" I ordered.

He shook his head, features remained immobile as he stood to her defense. "If you kill her, all your hard work would go with her including wasted time," he informed, revaluating the situation.

I gritted my teeth, the gun still resting upon his forehead. Envisioning the snarky bitch against the barrel, the point of helplessness is what she needed to experience.

"Ya mogu nayti kogo-nibud' drugogo. Ona ne yedinstvennaya." I replied, burning the entire room with my murderous exterior.

(I can find someone else. She's not the only one)

"My oba znayem, chto eto nepravda." Nikolai replied.

(We both know that isn't true)

There is it, the statement I dreaded when it came to being a ruler. You derived the orders, the ideas but your people needed to carryout your wishes. A ruthless king that devoured his enemies needed the tools to evict his plan and that involved Isadora.

"Ona yedinstvennaya, kto mozhet proniknut' v vego imperiyu, i ty eto znayesh'." Nikolai stated, drawing out the inevitable if the war is to be proceeded.

(She's the only one that can infiltrate his empire and you know it)

"I should just end her miserable life now, war has already begun." I raged, letting the arm slip to the side with the gun in its place.

"Indeed, it has but are you going to risk Varvara's life during it?" Nikolai questioned.

That fucked with me, the entire scenario and Varvara being the sacrifice. It didn't depend on one person, it is on one's capabilities and Isadora's exceeding my expectations for blood. The search for the perfect killing machine always ended with there emotions playing into effect, they didn't hunger for it. To them, it was a job but to her, it is her heart and soul. The thrill, it made her lust more for that than sex.

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