060: Void fantasies

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TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains context of abuse. Please read with caution.

|Diavolo Tchenkov|

My mind is flooded with thoughts of her, every moment of everyday is consumed with the memory of her. The way her inky waves felt as I tugged her soft lips against mine, sliky skin that I brulsed and kissed and those hypnotie emeralds that melted my insides; I am screwed. Throwing back the last contents of whiskey, loosing count at this point. The remedy is much needed, the sensations of numbing all parts of my body and mind.

Rejection cut deep for me especially when 1 am trying everything to get her back, most recently sabotaging her mission wasn't the most appropriate way to handle the situation but I couldn't take It any longer. The way Ramsey touched her, kissed her, All of her is mine and when he uncovered her breast I fucking lost it and didn't care if she got in trouble, Bane using her for sex escapades infuriated me and she went along with them, with no regards for herself why?

No matter what I have done, Isadora refuses to come back. Her excuses were short of lies, all that bullshit about importance of marriage and vows before god shouldn't be broken. Even you hear how ridiculous that sounds, especially the part about it being the only way. She spoke in riddles, at this point my brain didn't have the capacity to solve her cryptic puzzles.

Isadora belongs here with us, with me.

That dream all went to shit when the inevitable showed up. I expected it, Bane loved to twist the knife deeper. I should have been prepared, only I wasn't. Everything become solidified when it arrived, the golden font bleeding into the black card. Almost taunting me with their names in bold and when I searched the date, everything within me became animalistic.

They were getting married in five days, she was going to become Mrs. Levano. The mere thought made my palm itch to draw blood, all the alcohol in the world couldn't subside this urge to massacre.

Its surreal, reading the prints of declaring. their undying love for each other and join us in holy matrimony to celebrate Isadora and Bane becoming one. Those bullshit words made my chest constrict painfully, burning and suffocating each breath I took. My eyes glued to a single card that determined her future is enough to make the action of breathing difficult.

Staring at this any longer would surely kill me, I was certain of that. I needed to escape, a place of release from this torment. A place to forget her and all the things that her future is going to become without me.

Leaving my office is certainly difficult, the mansion bright lights hurts my eyes since I have been sitting in the darkness for so long. Laughter and chatter flooded my ears, echoing throughout the home, it would have been enough to make me smile but surely I couldn't find that in me.

Following their voices the instant taste of regret heavily on my tongue when everyone's eyes spotlighted on me.

"Diavolo, where are you going?" Zion's concern isn't in his voice but in the way he studies me, even after all these years together I couldn't put anything past him.

The invitation in my hand felt like it was on fire, burning the skin off my fingers.

Flinging it to Zion who instantly caught it with ease, once he read what it was about. His eyes dropped and his lips frowned, he passed the card along and everyone reciprocated. You could hear a pin drop after they all read what was on the card, all of them knew what this meant.

"I'm leaving for the night," retreating away from them.

"Wait, I'll come with you." Azarov offered and when I turned around, each of them were ready to go with me. Only problem is that I didn't want them to.

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