Intro - Potion Master

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       I can't explain why, but I have been infatuated with Severus Snape since I first laid eyes on him. He was a young professor, only ten years my senior. This must have been his first teaching gig, I'd heard rumours he'd been a death eater before Dumbledore granted him the position of potions master at Hogwarts. That only made me want to know him more, he was so mysterious, brooding, and mean. My heart fluttered when he spoke my name, I couldn't help but imagine how that deep tone would sound as he spoke and kissed my throat, my chest. I shook my head and straightened up in my chair. I needed to focus on something else before my chair showed evidence of my arousal when I left. I picked up my potions text and read the ingredients of this potion we were brewing again. I looked up from behind my book at the professor and stared at his strong hands as he wrote this weeks homework on the board.

      My crush on him had grown through my fifth and sixth years. Now I was 18 years old and in my seventh year at this school. I loved Herbology, magical art, and most importantly Potions. I was Snapes Star Student just because it was the only class I would fully pay attention in. I could listen to him speak all day watching intently as he chopped and squeezed ingredients with his large masculine hands. Fuck, this infatuation was growing into an outright obsession and I had to do something about it. I couldn't explain my feelings for him other than I had to have him. I would find a way to make him mine by the end of my seventh year or break my heart trying. He surely had to notice how pretty I made myself look for his classes, how I stuck my hip out when he passed by me, and batted my eyelashes when I answered his questions. I was the Ravenclaw Head Girl and captain of my quidditch team! He had to know who I was. If he did notice it was impossible to tell. He gave me nothing more than dry remarks about my work, and would occasionally scold me for being an insufferable know it all Ravenclaw. I analyzed every word he said to me, clung on to our interactions as if I'd find answers to my questions in the limited words he spoke to me. Did he notice me the way I noticed him? Could he tell I wanted him? Why did I want him?

                   Severus POV

        Why does y/n tease me so? Everyday she shows up to this class and I can't take my eyes off of her. She was beautiful, and I hated myself for thinking it. She was my student, and a good one at that. Her ability in potions was extraordinary and other professors said the same about her other subjects. Her attitude towards me changed the moment she walked into my classroom in her seventh year. She was constantly asking questions, asking for extra credit tasks, and sticking her bottom in my groin every time I passed behind her desk. I knew it was wrong, but she captivated me. Ten years wasn't a damning age gap was it? Id just started my career, and Dumbledore had taken a chance on me in more ways than one. Every time I looked into her eyes there was a shine to them that made me wonder.....but no. It couldn't be.

     If she was my Starlight I was in trouble. Bonds like that are extremely rare, powerful, and sometimes dangerous. There are not many mates in the wizarding world. To love that deeply means you can be hurt deeply too. couldn't be. I refuse to believe she is my mate.

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