Yes Professor

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Severus POV:

     My next few days of classes felt long, every time my students were busy working I was going over building plans, and trying to figure out how to teach my mate how to properly tap into this magic we both now wielded. She's an incredibly smart witch, and just brilliant top of her year....but this is hard to teach. It's about feeling. I was picking it up quite quickly but I was also ten years her senior. I hadn't told her but I'd conjured a tulip from seed to full bloom the other day. The power flowed through us both...this power is so free and it flourished...there was a never ending tap if you knew how to let go...she needed to let go. Relinquish control...completely give herself to it. Y/n was smart, talented, stubborn, but she liked to be in control. I'd have to teach her a lesson about control later today....


        I was just finishing setting up her lesson when she walked through the door.

     "How was your day dearest?" I asked her as she made her way over to me and planted a kiss on my lips.

     "Good, just thinking about our first magic lesson today. What do you have in store for me professor?" She smirked up and me and I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

      "Our power relies on the weil der being in the moment and relinquishing control. You my dear love to be in control, you can't let go enough to properly tap into your energy." I sat her on the bed and her eyes went wide as she looked around the room. There was a sex swing, ropes, a blindfold, and all our sex toys out and about. I flicked my hand and the blindfold flew across the room and covered her eyes so she couldn't see my next move. "After this exercise in letting go we will see what you can do, and if you've actually learned anything from it." I made quick work of removing her clothes and tossing them into our hamper next to the door. She was laid out bare before me and I felt myself already getting hard, but I had to remember I was teaching her a lesson here. I picked her up and set her into the sex swing. She was suspended in the air and spread wide for me. Her pussy was already glistening and so ready for me...fuck. I used the other ropes to tie her arms behind her back, and then bound her by the ankles to keep her legs splayed wide. There was no moving, no bucking, no grinding, or pulling. She remained silent, remaining obedient so far. 

      I began by summoning ice and placing it on her nipples. "Ah!" She squeaked at the sudden cold on her "Come on Severus I'm already ready for you. Just fuck me and let's do some magic." Ugh....she wasn't understanding. She needs to let go.

     "Y/n, you are not in charge here. Do I need to gag you?" I continued trailing the ice down her body, passing over her pussy, focusing on her inner thighs and then back up. I moved the ice along her hips, the sensitive places she liked me to tickle when we were laying in bed. I could see her getting wetter and wetter, a little bead of cum dripped from her tight, ready hole. She couldn't see me catch it on my finger and taste it. Fuck she tasted so good...I moved on from ice. She hadn't said anything else after I warned her. I pinched two clamps on to her hard sensitive nipples and she squeaked but again said nothing. This surprised me, I had to keep challenging her. She was doing well.

      I grabbed a wand vibrator from our box of toys and turned it into a low setting. I moved it to her inner thighs and I could see her straining to spread her legs even wider. I tightened the ropes around her ankles and that put a stop to it. "Patience, you'll get your reward, but you have to give in. Let me lead, you can do that cant you dearest? If you are going to master these powers you are going to need to learn to go to a place internally that is nothing....this power is in you but you're trying way too hard. Relax, find it, let it come to you. Don't go in search of it." She nodded and relaxed a bit in the swing. She let her neck relax and laid back fully. With that I decided to press the vibrator to her clit. The rumbling began low, and then I slowly turned it up. She was moaning now enjoying the feeling against her clit. She wasn't bucking or shaking so I stuck a finger inside of her and gently wiggled it around. She was so wet...fuck I wanted to be inside of her. Every time she had displayed signs of her power was when we were making love and she was enjoying the present moment. She could get there everytime she wanted to use the magic I knew she could. She just needed to learn how.

     I stopped the vibrator and she began to whine. I answered that by gagging her. More control gone. I could feel her frustration and began from the beginning. Caressing her inner thighs with my hands, pulling the clamps gently on her nipples. Once I felt her relaxing again I began giving her more. She was finally understanding that she needed to let go. Once she was fully relaxed again I grabbed her sexy emerald butt plug and lubed it up, I gently and slowly inserted it. "Good girl y/n." I stood up and pulled the swing to position her properly at my hips. As I unbuckled my belt I told her the rules "You will cum when I tell you to cum. If you do not listen I will start this process all over again do you understand?" I ungagged her now, I wanted to hear her moans and screams of pleasure.

       She nodded her head "yes professor." fuck hearing her say that turned me on...I pushed my cock inside her wetness and began to thrust. I was gripping her hips tightly as I moved in and out. I closed my eyes allowing my senses to be taken over by the feeling of her tight walls around me, and the sounds we made together. She was so wet...I moved my hand down and collected some of her sweet cum to taste as I fucked her. I sucked on my fingers and then put my hand down again to rub her clit in slow circles. She was moaning loudly and I could tell she was getting close. I pulled my hand away and waited for her to complain, but she said nothing. I was impressed so I returned my fingers to her clit. She looked so sexy tied up like that. I slapped her ass and she yelped. Being blindfolded she never knew what would happen next, she was letting go and I could feel the energy surging inside of her.

"Can you feel it y/n?" I asked as I thrusted rhythmically.

"Yes! Fuck yes I can....I think I know what I need to do Severus!" I could feel her walls growing tighter and tighter around me. I rubbed her clit harder and faster and she screamed in pleasure. Fuck she was close, and I could feel that I was too.

"Good girl, we will see if you've learned your lesson." I was seeing stars swirling above us, I couldn't tell if it was real or just in my head. I couldn't hold on much longer and I was amazed that she had lasted this long. "You can cum now y/n." I managed to get those words out between my own grunts and moans. Fuck she felt so good around my cock...when she came I immediately followed. Her walls clenched around me so tightly I had no hope in holding on. "Fuck! Holy fuck y/n!" I thrusted deeply inside of her as we came together and I knew that those stars swirling above us were real. We had done this together. The floor under us was covered in our combined cum, I didn't want to pull out but I knew this lesson wasn't quite over yet. I cleaned up the mess with a quick wave of my hand, and then pulled out of her and got her out of the swing and all her binds. I pulled the blindfold off her gently and she jumped up to give me a kiss. I kissed her back and after a few moments pulled away to say "I love you". I walked her on shaky legs to the kitchen where I had a pretty pot she'd made prepared with dirt, water, and a planted seedling. "Close your eyes and feel for the magic y/n. It's in you. There is no need to command it out." I stepped back watching carefully in case there was any problems but I believe in her abilities.

  Y/n Pov:

         My mate was right...I was trying so hard. I reached my hand towards the soil and closed my eyes. I let my mind go blank and slowly as I let myself succumb to the darkness there were stars swirling around inside of me. I felt giddy, light, and more powerful than ever before. It was endless...these love for my mate. I felt my eyes filling with happy tears and the dirt I was reaching towards was filling up with life and happiness. I opened my eyes and there was a fully bloomed white as starlight rose. I  screamed in triumph and jumped into the arms of my mate. He was a genius, and about to learn how happy I was back in the bedroom.....

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