His Luxury Shower

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Severus POV:

She made me more powerful, but I was weak for her at the same time. She was my kryptonite...I'd do anything for her. Her scent alone could bring me to my knees. Y/n is all mine, if I could I'd keep her wrap in my arms forever..holding her, kissing her, fucking her every day. We laid together in my bed naked, and she fell asleep quickly, but I stayed awake for a long time. I ran my fingers through her hair and thought about what our future might look like. She would look beautiful in her wedding dress...I better find out what kind of ring she might want...I think I could pick something out she'd like...the necklace I'd gotten her suited her beautifully..What would our children look like? What would they be good at in school? Fuck, I might be getting ahead of myself. She was just graduating, what were the plans she had for her future? We were connected magically forever but what if she didn't want me...I was overthinking this all..I need to sleep before I drive myself mad. She looked so beautiful in my arms I thought before I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes trying to sleep. It took me awhile, but I eventually fell asleep as I planned out her graduation gift...I just couldn't help it.

I just couldn't help it

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Y/n pov:

The morning Sunrise woke me up early, his chambers entrance was in the dungeons but the stairs took us up higher in the castle so he had plenty of windows and sunlight coming in. The clock said it was 6am and normally I'd roll back over and sleep for another hour, but I'd woke up with an urgent need between my thighs. Severus was still asleep...should I wake him up? I think yes..

I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed his forehead. "Severus...Darling...please get up and fuck me senseless." I giggled and kissed his cheek. It was one of those mornings I woke up excited, and ready for the day. How could I not when I had slept soundly in my mates arms the whole night.

"Alright dearest.." he said as he slowly opened his eyes, his voice was so fucking sexy first thing, which is saying a lot because as far as I'm concerned his voice was always sexy. "Did my morning wood wake you up?" He smirked and looked down at his large erection. I ran a hand over the bulge and smiled as he groaned in satisfaction. "This is certainly a wonderful wake up call, promise to do it often." He murmured as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss. "What do you say we take things to my shower? I think you'll like using my shower head as I fuck you against the glass...." His proposition sent shivers through my body and I nodded.

"Sounds perfect." I had to shower before classes this morning anyways, I couldn't walk into my afternoon potions class with the professors cum in my hair. There was definitely some in there from the facial he'd given me last night. I climbed out of bed and ran towards the bathroom "catch me if you can." I teased beating him into the large shower. He had a beautiful claw foot tub in one corner of the large bathroom and a step in shower on the other side. Luxurious...the tile was stunning in the shower and I was admiring it when he snuck up behind me and slapped my ass. I shrieked with delight and turned to give him a kiss.

"You're gonna like this shower, there's water that flows from any which way I desire. It comes from the roof in a waterfall, from the sides to massage, the floor even if I want...and it will pleasure you in whichever position I wish to put you." He smirked and grabbed his wand which he'd set on the large onyx countertops. Magic was amazing...especially when it involved sex. You could basically do any freaky thing you could think of with magic..we had so much to explore. This was a good start. He grabbed my ass and squeezed. This shower was so large I we found lay down on the floor if we wished. There was also a bench inside that he sat on. "Ride me reverse cowgirl position..I want to see your ass bounce up and down on my cock." He instructed me, and I did as he asked. I slowly lowered myself down onto his erect throbbing member, and fuck did it feel incredible....I slowly began to ride him as he gripped my hips, as I sped up he helped me come down harder and harder. I was coming down to the hilt if his big cock every time.

"Ahh-ah-ah...oh Severus...Severus..." I slowed my pace down again and decided to change things up. Instead of bouncing I laid my head back on his shoulder spread my legs farther apart. I began to move my hips back and forth and squeezed my tight walls around him as I moved back and forth. I just loved how full he made me feel, I loved just sitting in his lap with him inside of me. I knew he liked it too because he whispered how good it felt to fill me up in my ear. Severus reached around and started to play with my breasts. He squeezed the big round mounds and pinched the nipples, he twisted and pulled them as I moaned. Then he grabbed his wand from where he'd set it on the bench next to us and waved it, the water started to fall down gently on top of us like a warm rainfall. It dripped down our bodies slowly and the goosebumps that were covering my body slowly disappeared. Severus waved his wand again and a harder stream began to spray at my pussy. I squeaked as it began to beat against my clit.

"You like that y/n...I knew you would." He kissed the side of my neck still playing with my breasts as he slowly rocked me back and forth. He moved his hands down and grabbed the inside of my thighs pulling them further apart which gave the stream of water more access to that sensitive bundle of nerves Severus loved to play with.

"I love this...fuck I love you.." I felt that oh so familiar pressure growing stronger and stronger in my core. "Severus..." I moaned louder and began to buck my hips. I felt so full, the water felt so good...and I couldn't hold my orgasm any longer. I came hard and arched my back, "ahhhh!!!"

Severus POV:

"Good, let me hear how much you love it..." the sounds of her moans was incredible. I began to buck up into her and quickly found myself tumbling over the edge. I moaned her name loudly as I shot spirt after spirt of cum inside her. "Fuck y/n! You feel so good...I love you." I kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear as she came down from that delicious high.

"Let's wash each other, and get ready for the day dearest." I said helping her regain her legs after that rather intense fuck. "I don't know how I'm going to keep my hands off of you when I see you throughout the day...when you are back in my potions class it is going to be a torment....I'll just be picturing you sitting half naked on my desk.." I sighed and put a delicious rose scented shampoo in my hand, I ran my fingers through her hair and massages it I to her scalp. She smiled and leaned her head back as her eyes closed with delight. I am quite good at head massages I had to learn how to give them to myself when I got headaches. She sighed happily and when I was done she rinsed and returned the favour. We washed each others bodies and had to fight off the urges to fuck again. We came out of that shower feeling clean and refreshed..I got dressed first and left to the great hall for breakfast before her. We had to continue to avoid suspicion. Dumbledore already knew about our mating bond but nobody else did and for now we had decided it needed to stay that way.

 Dumbledore already knew about our mating bond but nobody else did and for now we had decided it needed to stay that way

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