Oral Fixation

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Severus POV:

          I knew we had to be fast, and the only thing I wanted was to taste her. Make her moan and grab my hair. I pulled her down the couch so her legs and ass were slightly off of it while the rest of her laid back onto the plush cushions. I got down on my knees in front of her, and felt myself already getting hard knowing what I was about to do. She was wearing a silk emerald green skirt which I loved and was easy access for what I wanted to do. I shoved the dress up and pulled her thong off with my teeth. She spread her legs and her pussy lips spread with the wave of my hand. I buried my face between her legs and shoved my tongue inside of her. I wanted to taste her...fuck she tasted so damn delicious. She was wet for me, I dragged my tongue from her entrance up to her clit, the wetness I had collected on my tongue just added to her pleasure. My tongue moved with ease as I flicked it against her clit. I loved when her pussy was a mess, slick with cum. I moved my hand to her entrance and slid in two fingers. I gently began to curl my fingers against her g spot. She was gasping and crying out my name over and over again. I felt her walls clenching and slowed my pace so her orgasm was dragged out longer. She hated when I teased her and brought her to the edge and then took it away. She groaned and pushed my head towards her Center. I slapped her ass as punishment and continued slowly. She squeaked at the spanking but told me to do it again. I slapped her ass again, harder this time. There was a red handprint left behind. My mouth continued, I licked and sucked, and listened to her come undone.

     "Severus fuck fuck...fuck." She was swearing and her hike began to gently rock up. She was trying to get me to go harder, flick my tongue in that exact spot I knew would make her cum. Her fingers were gripping the pillows of the couch hard. I began to move my fingers inside of her again, pumping hard. I felt that little spongy rough spot that I knew was her G spot. I looked up and watched her as I continued to lick her clit. She was arching her back now, and her face was comforted in that beautiful expression of pure bliss.

      I suddnely flicked my tongue against that spot she loved, and after a few hard licks there she was cumming. I continued to pleasure her through her orgasm and began to slow as she came down from that incredible high. I cleaned her up completely with my tongue enjoying her taste, and scent. It made me go wild...my erection was painful in my pants now.

Y/n Pov:

     Fuck Severus knew exactly how to make me cum. He was in complete control of me and my orgasm the second he had his mouth on my pussy. It was my turn now though...we had enough time, and I could see his rock hard cock pressing against his trousers. I put my hand to my throat, and whispered a charm that made things numb. I couldn't take him all in my mouth unless I did this...he was so big and I gagged every time until I found out about this charm. I stood up from my spot on the couch and shoved him against the wall next to a window. He could look out at the black lake while I went down on him.

     "Ready?" I smirked and got onto my knees in front of him. I I did his belt and he groaned as his erection was freed. It sprung out towards me and hit me in the cheek. I suppressed a giggle and shook my head trying to regain my focus.

     "Oops." He laughed awkwardly and then I started laughing with him.

     I took a deep breath to calm myself down and looked up at him, then I gave him a little cheeky wink and wrapped my lips around his throbbing cock. I maintained eye contact as I took him deeper and deeper. My tongue swirled around the tip and shaft as I bobbed my head back and forth. He had his head tilted back as he moaned my name in pleasure. Fuck I loved to please him....I knew he was hitting the back of my throat now, and I was so happy I'd learned that charm. My hands came up to play with his balls. I fondled them and squeezed them gently as I sucked. His hands came down and grabbed my hair. He pulled gently and moved his head back down to look into my eyes. They were shining with starlight, and I knew I was doing a good job. Every time we were connecting like this that same starlight shone in our eyes. Just another Physical representation of our bond just like the silver in our hair. When I saw that starlight in his eyes I felt even more connected to him. Our eyes were locked now and I told him he could fuck my mouth through the bond. I couldnt feel it, and it was fucking hot. He thrusted his hips and I took his entire cock into my mouth. The look on his face was pure ecstasy...I don't think I'd ever seen such pleasure cross his face.

Severus POV:

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Severus POV:

       The look of her taking taking all of me in her mouth...fuck it was driving me wild. It was so fucking hot...every time my cock til hit the back of her throat I moaned. She wasn't breaking eye contact with me she was just taking it. Taking me entirely. I grabbed her hair and began to buck my hips gently. It was sexy but not worth accidentally hurting her over. Through the bond she told me to go faster. She assured me she was completely okay...in fact she loved watching me fuck her mouth. So...I went harder. I was cursing and swearing as I fucked her mouth. I kept looking into her eyes, she was moaning around my cock and now her hand was down her skirt. She was rubbing her clit in tight hard circles as I fucked her mouth. We were going to cum together, I was going to fill her up with my seed and she would swallow it all. The bond was taking me over now, I was driven entirely by power and desire to be with my mate. I knew she felt it too, the starlight in her eyes was intense. I bucked harder and harder and her moans were growing louder against my cock. We came together.

    "Fuck y/n im cumming....fuck im cumming. Swallow it all, I love when you drink up my cum like the good little slut you are. My mate, fuck I love you y/n." I thrusted gently into her mouth now as I filled her mouth. She swallowed it all like a good girl and bucked her hips against her own hand as she rode out her second orgasm of the evening.

    "That was really fucking hot...new kink unlocked." Y/n said as she got up from the ground. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her deeply. Fuck I loved my mate...more than I could ever put into words.

     "That was extremely hot...you're right." I smirked and pulled her in for another kiss. "We will have to do that again...and find ways to quietly fuck at your families home because there is no way I'll be able to hold off for two weeks." I kissed her again and then looked over at the clock. Fuck we had to be gone in fifteen minutes. "Ready darling?" I asked as I began to collect bags and presents. She nodded and helped me collect all of our things, and put them on the trolly I'd brought up earlier.

Y/n Pov:

We were travelling by floo powder. It was very quick and easy..especially since my home was so far away. Perks of being engaged and mated to a professor was teacher perks. He could use the floo system and Apparate whenever he wished...I couldn't yet. I took his hand and we walked to the fireplace. He took his wand and transformed it into a large entrance. I told him I'd go first and he could come next with most of the bags. I stepped into the fire place and grabbed some powder. Severus smiled at me and blew me a kiss. He had the address in his hand so I felt confident he'd be right behind me. I wasn't nervous because I knew my family and I knew Severus. This would be a great couple of weeks. I was filled with so much excitement and happiness as I spoke the address of my home and disappeared in green flames.

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