The Cave: Part two

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Severus POV:

      Y/n was radiant, her skin was almost glowing, her scent was filling my nose and driving me mad. I was already rock hard and pressing against her thigh as we kissed in the warm glowing pool of water. I was having visions of what could be. What I would make happen. I already planned on finding a way for us to have a home out here. A place to raise a family and have access to this pool that felt like it was meant for us. I would look deeper in the library at hogwarts and see if there were places that amplified or did something to starlight bonded pairs. If there was no information I would begin a book of my own. I would research and figure out why this place felt like it belonged to us.

      Y/n had her legs wrapped around my waist now, and my erection was pressing into her hip. It was throbbing eagerly waiting for attention. I grasped her hips and positioned her so she was on my cock. I knew she was wet. My powers felt like they'd been heightened and I could hear her stream of consciousness like it was my own. I used her hips to pull her up and down on my cock. Our moans quickly filled the cave, they echoed and sounded so loud in here. I bucked into her and waved my hand to create a better angle. I could change the angle of my cock to pleasure her more. Our powers in this cave were so effortless. I felt like I could do anything.

     I moved us against the smooth stone wall of the pool and pushed her up against it. My hand came down to cup her breast and I pinched her nipples as I thrusted inside of her. She was shaking beneath me and I knew she was drawing near to her first. I moved my hand again and a jet of water streamlined between us and rumbled against her clit. That was all it took to have her screaming my name and crying out as she came around me. I grunted and kept thrusting trying to keep my own orgasm at bay.

     The stars were so magnificent from this cave, I could feel their energy bouncing off the walls. The entire inside was illuminated with the starlight but it wasn't overwhelming. It was a soft and warm kind of glow. Y/n eyes were rolled back in pleasure as I continued to pound into her. She had kept her legs wrapped tightly around my waist since we'd been in the pool but after she'd rode out the first orgasm she changed her position. While she was getting comfortable leaning on the edge of the stones with her ass pressed against me I decided to tell her what was on my mind.

     "I've never felt this way...I feel like the stars have always wanted us to be here. In Ireland, and on this you feel it to?" I Gripped her ass and pulled her back onto my cock. She groaned, but was able to answer me shortly after she was comfortable. I gently thrusted in and out of her with smooth slow strokes so she could form coherent words in response.

    "I've always felt like this place was meant for me. I worried my parents sick sleeping out here some nights....It always beckoned to me, called me here and I would just lay here in the water or bask in the sun and starlight. I always felt like something was missing though and now I know it was always you..." I felt my body fill with happiness and love hearing that. We would be back to this cave many many times..she relaxed her body and sighed with delight as she leaned her head down on her arms that were crossed on the stone she laid on. Fuck she was stunning...I began to pick up my the pace of my thrusts and waved my hand so that little jet of water came back to best against her clit. She loved using water to pleasure herself. The water beckoned to her like starlight did. I'd caught her using our shower head to pleasure herself often before I could join her in there. It turned me on to watch her and if she wasn't around I'd often picture it as I pleasured myself...fuck. I knew I was drawing closer to my own orgasm now. I twisted my hand towards the jet of water and the intensity of it increased. She was making these little moaning sounds and spreading her legs wider apart as I took her from behind. Anything to get more of that water on her, anything to feel me a little deeper inside. I exploded into her at the same time she began to cum. We bucked against each other and moaned each others names through it. By some magical force we floated out of the water and were laid gently down onto the surprisingly warm stones of the cave. I pulled out of my mate and watched my seed slowly drip out of her beautiful pink pussy. Fuck it turned me on to watch...she knew I liked to watch so she spread her legs apart and squeezed a little so more of my cum dripped out onto the rocks. I dragged my finger along the curves of her pussy and caught a little on my finger. I lifted it to my lips and sucked it off. She was watching me play with her pussy and bit her lip...I could feel her arousal. She squeezed her walls again and a little more streamed out.

      I looked up to meet her eyes and immediately noticed that half of her eyelashes had turned into that starlight silver that had shown up in our hair a few months ago. I wondered what part of my own appearance had changed, and quickly she noticed.

     "Half your left eyebrow is silver Severus." She said and sat up quickly. She crawled into my lap and touched the part of my eyebrow that was now matching the streak in my hair.

     "Half of your eyelashes are silver y/n it's truly beautiful." I said and planted a kiss on her cheek.

Y/n Pov:

     While we were making love we hadn't noticed our hair or miraculously the cave changing around us. With each orgasm something beautiful and new had occurred. When he'd had me up against the pool edge my hand was splayed out on the rock beneath me and in that place my hand had been there was a group of beautiful crocus flowers that formed around a perfect outline of my hand. It was stunning. The stones Severus had pressed me up against were also covered in little crocus flowers that were shaped like my body. We had been so preoccupied with each other that we hadn't seen it. I looked down at the spot his cum had leaked out of me and there were little crystals growing out of the ground. It was spectacular to see. Flowers and gemstones...we had just discovered a new depth to our powers.

      "Let's stay here tonight." I whispered to Severus as I kissed just below his ear. He nodded and we just laid down on the warm stones and held each other until we fell into a blissful sleep.

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