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Y/n pov:

Potions class was certainly interesting this morning. I kept trying to meet Snapes eye but only managed to do so a few times. He seemed nervous, nobody seemed to notice anything different about him though. He was still his normal self taking away points like they were nothing, and scowling every time this idiot Gryffindor blew up his latest concoction. He hadn't sent a response to my letter, but I knew he'd come. Firenze had flown back clutching a piece of dried plum we'd been using in potions this week. Confirmation he'd received the note maybe? I was doodling in my notebook after I finished my potion, daydreaming about what the night might bring. Who knows what would happen tonight. I hoped I'd get some answers, and maybe some clarity on where we stood.

 I hoped I'd get some answers, and maybe some clarity on where we stood

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Snapes Pov:

The day went by rather slowly, insufferable classes making mediocre potions...other than y/n's that one was perfection...seeing her in class made my heart race. Everytime I looked up from my desk she raised her head to catch my eyes.
The few times our gazes met a flash of sparking light shone in them. many times did I need to see the shine before I wrote off that it was just a trick of the light? It was getting harder and harder to deny our starlight bond. I don't even think she knew what pulled her so ferociously towards me. I'd have to tell her tonight...explain the weight of the bond between us, and what it meant. Of course I was going to meet her at the hot pools, how could I let her go there herself when I had so much I needed to say to her. Once all my classes were over I did a bit of work in my lab, and looked through my cupboards trying to find a suitable gift I could bring her. I settled on a bouquet of dried flowers...she could make a tea with them and they'd provide her with a good nights sleep. It was the best I had on hand. Sure, I scowled in class but if this bond could be withheld no longer I'm afraid she'd see that I'm just a man with a rather soft heart, and more love to give than she could ever imagine...fuck...was this actually happening? I'd been pushing it down for so long, and it hurt so bad to do so..this acceptance was scary.

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