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Y/n Pov:

     I swallowed hard and started ripping my clothing off. This was going to be a fun night, and I'd need some of his magic healing power to help me walk in the morning. He'd already licked me into oblivion and now his wand was out, I was excited to know what he had in store. Suddenly I was floating and all my limbs were spread wide, I was frozen in place. This was freaky for sure, but I liked it. I was in the perfect position for him to fuck me standing up. Which is exactly what he planned on doing but he also was playing with temperature and when he thrusted inside me his cock felt as cold as ice. It made me shudder and I tried to spread my legs wider but they were in the position he'd set them only, no more and no less than what he wanted. I groaned and told him to fuck me hard.

Severus POV:

       We hadn't played with temperature and bondage yet. This was pretty light bondage but it was still hot. She looked so helpless floating in the exact position I'd set her in, I could see her body shaking with the little movement she had. I reached forward and pinched her nipple causing her to moan loudly, and then I started to fuck her hard. I loved watching her eyes roll back with pleasure as I hammered into her hitting her most sensitive spots. The cooling feeling delivered a strange but pleasant sensation and she said it made her g spot and clit feel ten times more sensitive. I liked the sound of that, and it just made me want to keep going. I'd charmed my cock so I would not cum until I decided it was time. Y/n was fighting against her magic restraints and I new she was close. I pressed my thumb onto her clit and began to rub in tight circles that I knew would take her over the edge, and I was right. She screamed and came, her walls squeezed around me tightly and fuck it felt good. I waved my wand and lowered her to the bed, then waved it again and she regained full control over her body again.

     "That was sexy, but also kind of torture." She whined and rolled onto her stomach, but we weren't done yet. She squeaked in surprise as I pulled her ass up in a half doggy style position and thrusted into her. Then I decided I wanted her to be even more full, my cock wasn't enough tonight. I reached for the small blue butt plug is left on my nightstand and after lubing it up I popped it into her ass. She gripped the sheets hard and moaned "so full...fuck Severus." I then charmed the glass of water I'd left beside the bed into the same vortex she's used on my cock in the bath the other day and moved it so it was consuming her clit in a tiny whirlpool. This was something I think we would use for a long time, she fucking loved it. So quickly again she was cumming, this time a flood of liquid squirted out of her and soaked me and put sheets. I loved making her squirt...fuck it was so fucking sexy. I pulled out of her and got on my knees to lick up all the juices that were dripping off her ass and pussy. She tasted divine.

Y/n pov:

     Severus was wild tonight, completely unhinged and so fucking sexy. He'd made me cum four more times before he allowed himself to finish. I'd kept the butt plug in the whole time and actually found it pleasurable to have inside me. I was riding him on our bed and knew he was getting close to his finish. I bucked my hips wildly on top of him and leaned down to kiss him. He moaned into my mouth and swore as he came undone. He thrusted up into me and I came at the feeling of his cum hitting the very back of my pussy. The feeling of him filling me up like that...fuck it felt so good when he came inside of me. Fuck I just wanted him to make me pregnant, fill me up again and again...I'm his, now and forever...I laid down onto his chest leaving his cock throbbing gently inside of me as we came down from that sex crazed haze we often found ourselves in. The mating bond amplified our need for each other and when we got going it didn't stop for a long time. I finally pulled myself off of him, and crawled down so I could suck every last drop of us off his dick. He shuddered and groaned as I took him into my mouth and cleaned him off. As I cleaned him I felt his seed spilling out of me. Our room was a mess, but nothing a quick flick of my wand and a quick "Scourgify" spell couldn't fix. We were clean and wrapped up in each others arms on top of our fresh bedsheets. Our bodies were still a bit sticky, but before I could even say anything Severus flicked his wand and the bath started to run. I was so happy we could bathe together.

     He ran his hands over my body as we waited for the tub to fill and they settled on my tummy. "I'll prepare your tea darling." He murmured into my ear, it sent shivers down my body and I sighed. "What is it y/n?" He asked and I sighed again. He raised an unamused brow and me and I confessed.

    "I don't want the tea, I want to get pregnant." I say up from his arms and looked at him seriously. He seemed a bit surprised and grabbed his calendar from his bedside table. He smirked.

     "Y/n you're ovulating...this explains so much...why I have wanted to ravish and fill you up all day...why you are so eager for me to put a baby in you...it's hormones...it's the magical bond we share wanting us to procreate...your scent has been driving me wild all day, I'd keep you cooped up in here with me all day as I fucked you and filled you up continuously..." he groaned and leaned his face against my chest, and then moved slightly so his face was between my breasts.

    I giggled. That made sense my cycle would likely affect him from now on too... "well I would have let you fuck me all day but I was busy kicking ass." Amidst that incredible sex I'd almost forgotten the duel had happened just a few hours earlier...we'd been celebrating my victory when the hormones and magic had turned us into raging sex monsters.

" You were so brave today...so fucking sexy and strong and powerful...you single handedly saved our reputation, and I just want to thank you for that brilliancy...I never doubted you for a minute...watching you beat him made me want you even more. I hope I made you feel special tonight.." he kissed each boob and smiled up at me cutely.

     "You make me feel so special and loved every day Severus." I kissed his lips and then stood from the bed.

      I was grabbing my towel when he cleared his throat. I turned around and he was kneeling with a ring in his hand. I nearly fainted.

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now