Tasting you

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Y/n Pov:

The next two days I spent in the hospital wing. Severus was by my side whenever he could be, and whenever him being with me didn't raise too much suspicion. When he left I slept, and when he was back at my side I enjoyed listening to him read to me, and watch him grade papers. He muttered to himself when one was particularly bad, and it made me giggle. His voice was so comforting. On my last night in the hospital wing I requested he bring something sexy to read, and he did. He soundproofed our little hideout behind these curtains and made sure Madame Pomfrey had retired for the night before he brought out the book.

"This little tale takes place long before you or I, a princess fell in love with a humble servant boy. Their love was forbidden which made the few meetings they had full of passion..." he began to describe one of these encounters they had in the stables. I looked up at him as he spoke and started daydreaming about what we could get up to in stables. He smirked down at me "I see those images your thinking about...I think I can arrange for us to take a trip to some stables." Severus leaned down and kissed me. We had shared a few kisses since the attack, but it was torture to not go further. I was determined to change that though. There were things you could do while healing...even if it's not exactly all I want.

"Severus I need you...please I can't wait any longer..." I reached down and placed my hand on his thigh. I rubbed my thumb back and forth and waited for a response. "Please"

"You know I cant fuck you here y/n. It's too risky, and you are still healing." He bit his lip thinking. "Maybe we can do something...but you tell me if I hurt you." He moved his chair down to the edge of the hospital bed, and raised it so it was level with his head.

"Anything, I'm almost healed Severus I'll be released tomorrow, but I promise I'll tell you if it hurts." I had a feeling I knew what he was about to do, and I was right. He pulled me down until I was splayed open in front of his face on the bed. I gripped the sheets and rested my feet on the back of his chair. I could already feel myself growing wet in anticipation for his mouth. He began to kiss the sensitive skin and dipped his tongue down gently grazing my clit, but he was teasing me. "Severus...please." I whined and he lifted his head up for a moment.

"You need to learn some patience my love." He smirked and I knew my whining had only made the torment worse. He moved his head to my inner thighs, and nipped and suckled on the tender skin. "Oh..." I spread my legs further apart, my pussy was dripping now. He moved his mouth to the other thigh and sucked until I was sure he'd left a mark. He began to move closer and closer to my centre and finally dipped his tongue into my wetness.

"Mmm.." he hummed against me and moved his tongue inside me. I groaned with satisfaction as Severus kicked up to my clit. "You taste exquisite y/n." He placed his hands on either thigh and pushed my legs apart further. I was spread fully for him now, and he started to suck on my clit.

"Severus..." I whimpered arching my back up. "Oh Merlin..." my legs were shaking, and he gripped them tighter to keep me still. The pleasure was building and building and I bucked my hips up to meet his mouth.

He shook his head against me "contain yourself darling."

"I can't control it...it feels so good." I moan and grip the sheets tighter in my hands. I felt like I was going to burst. The energy and magic rushing through my body was intense. I wasn't used to having so much power inside of me...being bed ridden immediately after gaining this new found power was hard. The need for my mate was so intense I couldn't stop my body from shaking. I needed to move, to get on top of him, for him to get on top of me. I just wanted to fuck him and fuck him and fuck him more.

Severus POV:

I sensed how intensely she was feeling and realized how badly she needed to release. I would allow this whining and bucking for now. Even as a very powerful wizard this influx of energy and power was hard...I can't imagine how difficult this would be for an 18 year old .... I continued to suck, lick, and swirl my tongue over her clit, and when I found feel her getting close I slipped a finger inside. Fuck she tasted so fucking delicious I could devour her all day. I loved this...I love her.

"I want you to cum for me now dearest." I murmured against her pussy. She was shaking so intensely I knew she'd be cumming fast after I told her, and I was right. Her orgasm was intense and she gushed around my finger still moving inside her right entrance. I pulled my hand away, and licked her slit from top to bottom a few times. "Mmm." I moaned and looked up at her. She was looking down at me with a dreamy post orgasm look on her face.

"Severus that was amazing." She was still vibrating slightly and I was worried all that shaking was going to hurt her. I moved up so I could plant a soft kiss to her lips. "Taste yourself." I told her before kissing her deeply.

"Mm" she moaned against my mouth and reached her hand down to the painful erection in my pants. "Let me touch you." She said clumsily trying to undo my pants. I wasn't going to say no to anything she could give me now. I helped her unbutton my trousers and pulled my large cock from its cage. Her eyes lit up and she stared at it "I forgot how big you are.." she smirked and took it in her hands. She began to stroke, up and down, up and down. "Come closer" she whispered and sat up in the bed, then she leaned forward and took my cock into her mouth. Now I know why she's gone so feral while I ate her, the feelings I felt when she took me into her mouth was animalistic. I bucked forward causing her to gag slightly but she adjusted and continued to suck.

"Fuck y/n...are you sure you can take this?" I asked worried I may hurt her.

"Please Severus let me do this, you told me earlier how impressed you were with how fast I was healing...I'm able to blow you." She smiled up at me and then took me back into her mouth. She was able to take a lot of me but she used a hand to jerk the base. Her tongue swirled around the tip and I thought my knees were going to give out on me.

"Fucking hell....y/n." I moaned and grabbed her hair. She kept sucking and licking...god damn she was pretty good at this. Y/n looked up and made eye contact with me through her beautiful eye lashes. I was getting close..and I was also trying not to pull out and flip her over and fuck her right here. "Ahhh....oh...I..." I was right there.

Y/n Pov:

I knew he was close, I could feel him right on the edge. I just kept going trying not to gag on him..fuck he was big. I was going to have to get used to this. "Come on Severus." I murmured against his cock. I lifted my other hand to his balls and fondled them gently as I sucked. He started to cum and I pulled my mouth off and started jerking him off rapidly. I opened my mouth and he spurt his load all over my face, I caught as much as I could in my mouth. Who doesn't love a good facial every now and then.

He leaned down and kissed me "fuck you're amazing y/n such a good girl" he murmured and took a deep breath inhaling my scent. Then he pulled out his wand and cleaned up the big messes we had both made of this hospital bed, and on my face. "I can hardly control myself...I just want to take you right here..we are going to have to find ways to be sneaky..this must remain a secret for now. We will have to figure out what to do together. I know I won't be able to stay away from you every night. It just won't do.." he sat next to me and leaned down to plant a kiss to my brow.

Severus POv:

"We both need to rest, leave the problem solving til tomorrow." I said. I knew she needed to rest and I likely did too, but there would be no sleeping for me. I had to find a way for us to be together every day...one morning class wasn't enough. Being apart would drive me mad. It would drive us both mad...I kissed her again and took a sleeping potion from my pocket. "If you need me just call out, and I'll come to you." I say next to her and held her hand until she fell asleep, and then I reluctantly walked back to my chambers.

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