Making it work

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Y/n pov:

I was released from the hospital wing Monday morning. Pomfrey was amazed at how quickly I'd healed...she called me a marvel. I couldn't tell her it was because I was bonded to her friend and coworker Professor Snape. When you have something so rare and special and beautiful all you want to do is tell the world. Keeping this secret was going to be harder than I could even imagine..we had to figure out a way to make this work. All I wanted to do everytime i saw him was too his clothes off and fuck him. I constantly needed to be able to smell him and have the option of tasting him at the same time. Why was that such a difficult thing to have...ugh...

When I arrived back at my dormitory I washed up and fell back onto my bed exasperated. I looked over at my bedside table and noticed something new sitting there. It was a beautiful gold necklace with a pendant that held a stunning blue stone. Inside the stone it looked like starlight swirled around. It was a beautiful reminder of our bond, and I'd keep it close to my heart always... Attached was a small note that read "for my dearest, wear this and think of me." I blushed and immediately put it on. It was gorgeous, dainty, and suited me perfectly.

       This gift got me up and out of bed quickly

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This gift got me up and out of bed quickly. If I was fast I'd have time to run down to see Severus before running back up to my charms class. I would see my mate in potions later that day, but I wanted to thank him now. I pulled my hair back into a slick ponytail, got dressed in my robes, and quickly put some simple makeup on. I had to ignore the stares I got from my peers as I rushed down to the dungeons, they whispered about the "girl who was almost killed by a werewolf" I ignored them all. The halls were quite full of students rushing to the great hall for breakfast. I called out to him in my mind telling him to skip breakfast and I'd make it up to him. I could see that cocky smirk of his in my mind.

I swung open the potions class door and ran up to wheee he stood over a potion. "Severus." I beamed, just being near him again was a wonderful feeling.

"I see you've found your gift." He remarked touching the charm that dangled from my neck. "You look beautiful." He leaned in to kiss me, and I quickly escalated things by resting my hand on the front of his trousers. He tutted and pulled away. "Classes start in half an hour."

"Please I need you." I looked up at him through my long dark lashes. "The gift you got me is so perfect. I want to thank you with more than just my words."

"How much time do you have after potions this afternoon?" He asked

"I have an open study block." I said excitedly.

"Then you can thank me after potions..I'll show you my private chambers, and you can thank me properly." He teased and planted a few more tender kisses to my temple. "Now go get some food and don't be late to charms."

Severus POV:

She was so radiant, her presence illuminated something in me that I had never experienced before. Maybe it was just pure happiness and joy something I'd never experienced until now. I wanted to give her everything she could ever want in life. Actually I made it my mission to do so.

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now