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Y/n pov:

         The classes seemed to drag on forever that day. All I could think about was my plan for later this evening. Professor Snape had to know someone was up to no good in his study, and was probably fuming about it. The thought of him getting all hot and bothered made my chest turn red. Once classes and dinner were finally done I rushed through the halls up to Ravenclaw tower and sprinted to my dorm room. I'd tried to make eye contact with Severus throughout dinner but he didn't throw a single glance my way. Neither of my roommates were there so I threw open my trunk and went to the bottom to dig through the sexiest undergarments I had. Not that there was much to choose from, I was after all an 18 year old student at Hogwarts. I settled on a deep blue bra and panties set that were silky and beautiful. Damn I looked hot as hell. I pulled my hair back into a long French braid and did my makeup. I threw a little white slip on over top and then had to hide it all under my robes as I scurried down through the winding corridors of the dungeons. "Alohomora" *click* the potions classroom door creaked open and I slipped inside. It was kind of creepy down here at night, I wonder if Snape was ever afraid down here by himself. The thought almost made me giggle, but I had more pressing items on my agenda tonight.

        I looked up at the window that showed a glimpse into his private chambers. There was a faint glow that illuminated the drying flowers in the window. So he must be at home. Good. I slipped my robes off and slinked out of the white slip is thrown over my bra and panties. After kicking said items to the side I looked around to find the best spot with a view of the window. The silence down here was chilling at night and a shudder went through my body creating goosebumps on my skin and my nipples to poke through the silk fabric of my bra. "Brr" I said quietly as I looked around for a suitable vial to play with. I grabbed a hefty one full of rose petals and positioned myself on his desk, and began to rub my clit through my panties. I gasped at the feeling of my cold fingers pressing the silk undergarments to my clit and as I rubbed I felt the panties becoming wet and slippery at my entrance. I was ready for the vial now, but as I lined up the vial at my entrance I heard a loud creak and someone clear their throat as they walked towards me. "Click, click, click"

     "Miss.y/n. What do you think you are doing here at this hour, in those clothes, with my private property?" Snape shook his head and kept his eyes on to the ground. He had had caught me, and I thought I might have a heart attack. I always knew my plan was to get caught but what the fuck was I going to do after the fact.

" ummm, professor I just...I just want you..." I barely whispered those last words as I looked up at him towering over me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me to my feet. Then he turned and grabbed the robes I had discarded and pushed them towards me without looking in my direction. He didn't look at me now but by the noticeable bulge in his trousers I knew he had seen me touching myself on his desk.

"That is highly inappropriate miss.y/n I am your professor, a working professional at this school. I could lose my job because of this." He scowled and finally looked up at me once I'd pulled my robes on. Still I left them hanging open so he could see what I had on underneath. "You really don't think do you miss.y/n?" He was getting rather angry and took a step towards me. I straightened up and looked right into his eyes. They were dark and beautiful and made me feel so calm I stopped shaking and reached out to cup his cheek. I leaned in, and he stood there frozen just staring at me.

"Please Professor I just have to do this" I whispered as I leaned further in and touched my lips against his. His breath hitched in his throat and his eyes closed at the impact of my soft lips on his. I sighed and melted into the kiss. It was slow and sensual at first but after the first initial shock the kisses grew hungrier, and he pulled my hips towards his and lifted me up onto his desk. His lips moved against mine and our tongues met with equal force. I couldn't stop, and I don't think he could stop himself either. He pushed my robes down my shoulders and his hands gripped my hips pulling me even closer to him. He was practically laying on top of me now and I wrapped my legs around his torso as we kissed each other. Things were getting more and more heated and I could feel his bulge growing harder against me. He broke the kiss and moved his lips to my neck. He licked and nipped at the sensitive skin of my neck and I moaned and tilted my head back giving him fuller access to it.

"Please I need more" I begged. I could feel the silk panties heavy with my wetness, I was aching for them to be removed, my clit was throbbing, and I needed him inside me. "Please professor" I said again.

Snapes POV:

I cannot believe I let this happen. I'm laying on top of my student right now, and groping her breasts. Bloody hell I am an idiot. She's asking me for more...fuck I want more. Fuck I need more, but this is a dangerous path. What do I say?

"This is wrong...have you drugged me or something? Miss.y/n I do not understand why you have been tormenting me these past weeks." I let go of her and unwrap her legs from my torso then I step back and try to ignore my throbbing cock as it sits heavy in my trousers begging to be serviced. "I saw you in my study earlier and should have put an end to this then...I let this go on too long." I turn my head and scowl. She can't see that she makes me weak in the knees.

I can't look her in the eyes as she gets up and pulls her robes back on.

"Professor." She says and I can hear the hurt in her voice. "Please I have such feelings for you and I can't explain them. I need to know you...let me in. I need to know you." She grabs the front of my jacket and I look at her again. There are tears filling her eyes, one falls down and lands on my shirt. I feel physical pain enveloping my body as I push her gently away and rush away. I have to put distance between us. What a coward I am...running away from an 18 year old girl who had more power over me than I knew. Quickly I've rushed up my stairs and slam the door behind me into my chambers.

Both pov:

That kiss lit every nerve in my body on fire, I swear I was almost turned into something more. I wish it had.

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