The Cave: Part one

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Severus POV:

        To my Surprise I was really enjoying my time with y/n family. I'd learned a few new  games, drank way too many drinks, and had really truly enjoyed myself. I would love to spend all of my holidays here. I certainly had nowhere else that would welcome me like y/n family had.

     Y/n had made me the most incredible cauldron I'd ever seen. It was stunning...I could feel her energy radiating off of it as soon as I unwrapped it. I couldn't wait to brew potions in this. Although I had a feeling the potions that came out of it would be charged with some of her magic, and that could be dangerous. I'd test it when we got back to Hogwarts.

    She was taking me on some kind of sexual adventure today. We had flown by broomstick an hour down the coast away from her family's manor. The land was so green, and the only occupants seemed to be the sheep roaming the rolling grass hills. Once we landed we began to walk along these giant white cliffs, there were wildflowers growing on the hills here that I'd never seen. I was so used to the dreary grey of London, this felt like another world entirely.

      We walked for about an hour down the sunny coast of Northern Ireland, I could bask in the sunlight and smell this sea breeze forever and I'd be completely at peace. Maybe Dumbledore would allow me to commute to hogwarts instead of live there..I'm sure y/n would love the idea of that...I'd make sure to mention it. I followed behind my beautiful mate, and studied her from behind. She was so beautiful. Her hair was so long now, it had grown so much since we were first mated. It trailed down her back in a long french braid, and the tip of it rested just above her ass. Damn I loved to grab that ass when we were fucking...I felt a rush of blood go straight to my cock and was thankful to hear we were at the spot she'd wanted to get to. She jumped onto her broomstick and took off, "follow me." She exclaimed and dove in a swam dive off the edge of the cliff. I nearly had a heart attack, and went racing after her. She was flying down below on her break heading into a large cave fifty feet below the cliffs edge. I flew down after her and we landed in this beautiful untouched cave.

    "This is my special hideout. The water in that pool is warm, and at night it's illuminated with the most beautiful starlight." She began to remove her clothing and I immediately followed her lead. The cave was large and spacious. We were in the Center of the cliff face so we didn't have to worry about the tide rising to us. There were gems in the walls of the cave that shone brightly. The cove mouth was very open. It let in a ton of light so it didn't feel cramped. Y/n was completely nude and walking over to the waters edge.

      "So darling...what did you have in mind for us in this cave?" I stood beside her looking into the deep clear water. The bottom was the whitest sand I'd ever seen. Completely pure and clean.

     She looked over at me and began to explain exactly what she wanted me to do. She's timed our visit to sunset, the stars would be out soon, and she wanted to try and recreate that feeling and experience we'd had in the pools at hogwarts. I was open to that, any chance I could fuck her in the open air under the light of the stars was honestly ideal. We still had some time until the sun had completely set, so I decided I wanted to have a little fun while we waited to get into the pool.

     "Come here and watch the sunset." I told her pointing towards a rock she could lean against. Y/n did as I asked and made herself comfy leaning against a rock. She breathed in the sea air deeply and I felt her completely relax. I laid down in front of her and she knew what I wanted instantly. She spread her legs open and revealed her wet core. "I can see you've been thinking of what we might do in this cave the entire way here." I smirked and dipped a finger gently into her wetness. I pulled it away and a stream of sticky cum pulled away on my finger. I stuck the finger into my mouth and sucked all of that delicious juice off. I moaned with satisfaction and pulled myself close to her. "Watch the sunset, breathe in that incredible fresh air and just enjoy darling. I know I'm going to enjoy this." I waited to make sure she was doing as I said before I dove in. I locked her from bottom to the top of her wetness. Her cum made the perfect slippery canvas for my mouth to work upon. I swirled my tongue around her clit over and over again, then every once and a while I'd put my lips around her clit and suck. She was moaning and grabbing my hair, but everytime I looked up to watch her enjoying this she was doing as I asked. Watching the sunset, taking in the incredible views with her eyes. She was so wet I could feel her juices dripping down my chin onto the cold stone floor beneath us. The sun was setting lower and lower below the horizon and I could feel the presence of the stars as they began to come into view. I continued pressuring my mate. She was shaking now, close to her first orgasm of the evening. I picked up the pace now, kicking and sucking with more pressure and speed. She was arching against me and her legs flew open wider. I was devouring her now, drinking in her moans and squeals of approval. With one last buck of her hips I knew she was done for, she spilled herself all over my face and moaned my name loudly.

     "Fuck Severus...fuck im cumming, I'm cumming fuck...!" Her hands released my hair and she gently shook as she rode out the waves of pleasure.

Y/n Pov:

     "That was incredible...excellent start to our erotic evening I must say.." I pulled him up to kiss me and finish watching the sun fall below the horizon and the night sky Illuminate the cave. We were night people, we thrived under the moon and stars. It was the source of our love, our power. Our bond was amplified under skies like this, and something about this cave...I'd been drawn to it since I was a girl.

    "Yes it was delicious." Severus said as he kissed my forehead and leaned on the rock I was already occupying. "Now the stars are out, and fuck...something just feels even better than the last time we were under them." He looked up at the sky and then closed his eyes basking in the glorious beams of starlight.

   "I agree....this place...there's nothing better than it. The power I feel here is like no other." I opened my legs again letting the light hit every inch of me. I could feel it tickling me, enveloping me in a magical warmth. I knew Severus could feel it too. I also knew he was probably feeling some pain from his throbbing cock. I stood up and motioned for him to join me in the water. It was illuminated even more beautifully by the night sky than it was in the day light. The water glimmered and danced. It was so inviting. We held hands and jumped into the water, and the feeling was like nothing I'd ever felt before. It was as if we'd just jumped into a pool of pure starlight, the power...we were glowing, floating, magic was radiating off of our bodies and drawing is together. This place was meant for us. There was a reason I'd found this place as a girl, everything that had ever happened to me was leading to this. This place was where we belonged. Severus was beautiful, and he was looking at me with such love, adoration, lust. I felt myself growing warm and swam to him. More like floated to him...and as soon as we touched each other that was it. The frenzy began.

Any guesses on what might happen in the cave?
Also feel free to submit requests or notes! I'm really new to writing!

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