Home for Christmas

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Y/n POV:

       The first week flew by. As I predicted my family loved Severus. He was so kind, thoughtful, and they saw how much he adored me. They didn't question us much but they were naturally curious about the bond, and the power that came with it. My Ma is a magical historian, and wrote a book on ancient magic from Ireland. I grew up hearing about all the folk tales and old magic that was practiced in my hometown. My parents still practiced some of that old Irish magic now. They passed on a love for Ireland, and the nature surrounding our home. I took Severus on a few hikes and he was in awe of how beautiful the land was.

     Christmas morning had been wonderful. Everyone exchanged gifts, and was really happy and touched by what Severus and I gave them. Severus brewed each person a potion I thought they'd like best and I did some paintings for everyone. The gifts were a hit. I'd shed a tear when I saw the paints he'd made for me. They were absolutely beautiful and so well done. The pigments were strong, and I was already imagining what I could do with them. Severus loved the cauldron I'd made for him. He whispered in my ear that the first think he'd brew in it would be something special for me. My cheeks turned a little red and I got excited thinking about what it might be.

       My Ma insisted we have our wedding reception at our family home, and I agreed. I knew we were being practically forced to get married at Hogwarts so the least I could choose where we wanted to have our wedding reception. My family home was stunning. Massive, and practically a historical artifact of old Ireland itself. I grew up in a fairytale, and I knew how lucky I was. We were surrounded by sheep, farms, and hikes that led to the ocean and some of the most beautiful sea side cliffs you'd ever see.
I knew my parents would set up something spectacular for friends and family to enjoy with us. I promised my Ma we could go wedding dress shopping soon.

     Severus and my dad had lots to talk about. My Da was a scholar like my Ma. They wrote books about magic and had a few best sellers on the wizarding market. She was an expert on Ireland and he's written a book that has done very well about  modern divination in comparison to oracles of our past...specifically Greek oracles. He was quite gifted in the art of divination himself, and he swore he'd seen a vision of me with silver in my hair at one point.

      I love my parents. It made me feel bad for Severus...I knew he didn't have a great relationship with his family, but he seemed happy here. I assured him that he was a part of my family now. They accepted him, and he was welcome always. Him and my dad drank and talked late into the night. He returned at early hours to retrieve two vials of his hangover remedy and I tried not to laugh at his drunk mumblings about never drinking Guiness again. I knew that wouldn't hold true, he was apart of an Irish family now. He delivered a vial to my Da and then returned to our bed. I rolled over to face him once he'd fallen into bed and wrapped my arms around him.

   "Enjoy yourself Severus?" I asked kissing his nose.

    "Very good, your Dad is a great man." He slurred his words slightly and I snuggled into him. He smelled like Guiness and that delicious Christmas smelling hangover potion. I kissed his lips and climbed on top of him. He kissed me back sloppily and his hands began to wonder down to my ass. He squeezed it, and began to kiss my neck.

    I kissed him for a little while longer, but I knew we needed sleep. "Wait til tomorrow. There's a little spot on the hike I'm taking you on that we can go and enjoy each other. I love outdoor sex and I think you'll enjoy this spot. Secluded, only magic beings can go there...it's magical...really really magical." He nodded lazily and rolled onto his stomach. He was sleeping in seconds after that. This week was everything I'd dreamed it would be.

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