Astronomy Tower

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Severus POV:

       Oh fuck...I should not have left before y/n this morning...I should have stayed in bed with her and kept her hidden from the world all day. Teenagers were ruthless I should have known. They were too scared of me to say anything or whisper near me where I might hear, but my mate was free reign for their ruthless words. I saw the bowed heads as she passed uttering things I couldn't hear. My seat was too far in the great hall to see her face but as quickly as she entered she had run out the door. I stood and quietly snuck out the teachers doorway and through the halls of the castle. I didn't know where she'd gone, but I remembered she told me about the place she went to be alone. The astronomy tower. I climbed the stairs to the pretty tower with the painted curling she loved to stare up at. That's where I saw her and I felt my heart break a bit. She was crying, laying on the ground in a little ball. I ran over to her and kneeled beside her.

    "Y/n...." I pulled her into my arms and she buried her face in my robes and sobbed full heaving full body sobs. I'd never seen her in a state like this. "Who said what to you? I'll curse them and their families I swear it." She shook her head and sniffled.

     "You'd have to curse half the student body then...everyone thinks I'm a dumb whore...or that you put a spell on me and I am powerless and some enchanted slut." I felt my rage bubbling to the surface. How dare they....I knew the first day would be bad but this is intense..."we can always leave here for a little while...come back in a few days and maybe everyone will understand what our bind actually is by then..?" I kissed her tea covered cheek and she looked up at me with tears still streaming down her face. I wish I could take all her pain away, make it my own.

     She sighed and sat up so she was looking at me. "I'm afraid that If we leave people will think I'm a coward or I'm pregnant or something...I'm scared it will just make it worse..I've already missed charms and I'm sure people are freaking out about it...I hate feeling so powerless against all these people who don't even know the whole story...I wish I just don't care but I do's almost december...the best I can hope for is that everyone forgets during the Christmas break." She started to cry again and fell back into my arms. I let out a deep sigh...and kissed her head. What can I do...what do I do? Well this wasn't a permanent solution, but it would do for now. I waved my wand and slammed the doors to the astronomy tower shut and made sure nobody could enter the doors.

      "Want to forget about it for a little while?" Oh Merlin I hoped this would offer some temporary relief. She nodded and leaned up to kiss me, but before we went any further I wanted to say a few things. "I know this is terrible dearest...I'm so sorry that kids are so awful and cruel..I was teased as a child...quite badly and the pain of that stays with you for a while...I promise you that things will get better, people will understand and respect our bond once they know what it it's impossible to push down the connection between us. It's a beautiful thing...our love...and I promise things will only get better from now on..I'm sorry dearest I really am." She smiled up at me and then crashed her lips against mine. I quickly got the work with my buckle and she slid her tights down and pulled her skirt up. We were desperate for each other. Pulling one another closer our hands moving underneath clothing. I felt myself hardening and she told me she was ready between fierce kisses. I laid her down on the cold tower floor and moved her panties to the side, I entered her wet slippery Pussy with ease and began to thrust. We needed each other, found comfort in each others embrace. We were a whole unit working together, moaning together, bucking our hips together. Her back arched and I saw her eyes shimmering with starlight this feeling was pure ecstasy. The only thought in the world I had was for her. I brought my fingers down to her clit and rubbed it in tight hard circles. She cried out and spread her legs wide apart, I knew we were both nearing our peak. I thrusted harder and harder and rubbed her until we both came at the same time. I moaned her name loudly and thrusted slowly as we both came down from our high. "I love you." I whispered as I kissed her lips gently. She wrapped her legs around me and I stayed inside of her for a while. Just staying together, connected and warm.

     "I love you too so much. We will get through this together..."

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now