Found out

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Severus POV:

She had to leave too soon after our love making. I gave her a tonic to prevent pregnancy and sent her on her way with a kiss. She was careful not to draw attention to herself as she slipped out of my stores room. Our plan was for her to meet me back here an hour after student curfew. She had been talking about all the things she was going to bring from her dorm and it had me daydreaming about us living together permanently. I wanted to wake up next ti her every morning, fuck her whenever I pleased, bathe together, cook together, drink tea together, have children together...the thought of my that made me smile. Still..we had to navigate this year, have some hard conversations with people who may not understand or approve our relationship.

I grabbed one of the books I'd found on starlight bonds and took it down to my classroom along with a string cup of tea. I'd need it to get through this next class, this batch of students was particularly terrible at brewing potions. As I walked from my stores into the classroom I opened the door and almost fully ran into Albus Dumbledore. He was sitting at my desk flipping through one of the books I'd taken out the day before last.

" are you today?" I asked trying to hide the second book in my hands behind my large cup of tea.

"Oh I'm good Severus.." he said looking up from the book at me. "I see you have another book on the subject of Soulmates...I'm curious..why the sudden fascination?" He stood from my chair and walked over to take the book I was miserably hiding behind my tea.

Fuck...there was no doubt he had to know something..where had I gone wrong.

"Ever since miss.y/n attack I've been watching her closely. You as well know I can sense that electric magic thrumming between you two everytime you're within five feet of each other. Starlight bonds are beautiful, and respected in our world, but I won't lie to you this will be difficult for some people to accept. Be careful who you tell...our greatest enemies find ways to use the things we love, the sources of our greatest power as a weapon against us. I will allow you to continue working here, just please be careful...I'll be keeping an eye on you two." Albus handed me back the book and started walking towards the door. "Congratulations Severus, I do expect an invitation to your wedding." He winked and started muttering to himself as he walked out the open door of my classroom.

"Well..." I sighed and sat down at my desk. That could have gone a whole lot worse..Albus would respect the was such old magic, we didn't choose this it just happened. I began to flip through the book again as students shuffled into my class. I was going to need something stronger than tea to get me through the rest of this day.

Y/n pov:

    I was trying to figure out what I wanted to bring to Severus chambers the rest of the day. I really wanted to give him something too. I walked into my dorm after dinner, Severus was sending me visions of what he was gonna do to me later the whole time I tried to eat. It was very distracting, but it was a welcome distraction. I just wanted to pack my bag, and hit the prefect bath before I went to him. Firenze was perched out on my window sill with something in his talons. I let him in and took the pretty bag from him. No doubt it was from Severus, and very pretty. It was a deep shade of blue and had embroidered flowers on it, I recognized the flowers immediately. He kept a vase in his living room.

    I opened it up and gasped, it was charmed

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    I opened it up and gasped, it was charmed. I could probably climb inside of this thing. The extender charm meant I could pack as much as I wanted and carry it around with little suspicion. My roommates looked at each other and raised there eyebrows.

   "Y/n who keeps sending you gifts? That necklace and now this bag, and didn't we see you with flowers in the hospital too?" They crossed their arms and watched as I grabbed clothing and tossed it into the bag.

    "Girls you know how many suitors I have. Is this really so strange to you?" I asked playing it cool.

   "I guess, you just seem different. Happier maybe...come on it seems serious." They kept pressing me for answers as I packed and I had to keep lying..eventually I began to crack. They were my good friends after all..I just had to keep a few things hidden. 

    "Well it is serious. I can't tell you's still quite new and he wants to keep it ok the down know how slytherin men are." I shrug and continue throwing things in. I find my sketchbook and flip through, "got it." I whispered and toss the whole thing in my bag. I found a drawing to give Severus. "I promise I'll tell you more soon. You can use my bed if you need by the way, I'm staying at with him tonight." I wink and toss a few cozy outfits into my bag. "Can never be too prepared." I say with a smile and close it satisfied with the amount of stuff I'd just thrown in. Severus would laugh when he saw it all...I had never seen him laugh until we began spending time together alone. It was nice.

    "What are you moving in with him y/n? That is sure a lot of stuff." They poke some more and I shake my head.

   "No no, you just can never be too prepared right?" They laugh and I plop down next to them and start recounting the last time we had sex. I just left his name out of the stories...there's nothing wrong with a little girl talk..right?

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now