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Y/n POV:

I barely had time to scream. We were in such a dream state after accepting our bond, and connecting on such an intimate level. I felt untouchable, and un afraid of anything in the forbidden forest or the black lake. It was stupid of me to leave his side and run back alone. He had come right after me, but werewolves didn't think when they were in that state. I'd been ripped off my feet and slammed into a tree, my leg must have snapped on impact because I felt such excruciating blinding pain. The snarls were deafening, and I felt sharp claws pinning me against the tree. The fear and pain sent me into shock so I didn't even feel it's claws rip across my chest. I just felt the warm sensation of blood running down my body. I was a dead woman and now my Severus would die too...all because of me...how tragic our story would be. As I was losing consciousness all I saw was a blinding light and then I hit the ground, everything went black.

If this was the end then I was still thankful I'd even had those few moments with Severus. I'd never felt a love so pure in all of my life, and if we were to die I know I'd see him again. It was strange now that the colour black was so comforting. Every-time I closed my eyes I could just imagine I'd buried my face into his dark, warm embrace...

 Every-time I closed my eyes I could just imagine I'd buried my face into his dark, warm embrace

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Snapes POV:

"Y/n!" I shouted sprinting towards her with my wand extended. I saw claws rip across her chest and blood spray from her wounds. I felt the pain as if it was my own and pure adrenaline was all I had left to get me to her and her attacker. I couldn't kill it, the werewolf could be a bloody student for all I knew. "Stupefy!" I hit the wolf in the back and it fell to the ground before it was able to hit her again. She crumpled to the ground and was laying so limply, but if I was still alive then she was too.

I placed my hands on her bloodied chest and closed my eyes. I could heal her just enough now to get her into the castle, and to madame Pomfrey. Carefully I lifted her into my arms, and tucked her head into my neck. The fear of losing her propelled me through the castle and I set her gently down in a hospital bed and alerted Madame Pomfrey I'd found a student attacked by a werewolf. It was a truly horrific sight...when the light illuminated her body I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I truly believe she would have died if we hadn't let our bond snap into place that night. The magic between us was more powerful than werewolf claws. Her shredded chest had already begun to close as i carried her to the infirmary, and madame Pomfrey looked amazed.

"Severus, did you do this? I'm impressed." She said as she studied the wounds and dripped a healing tonic into the still somewhat open gashes. "I believe that may have saved her Severus..." she looked up at me and nodded. I breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed into the chair on the opposite side of the hospital bed.

"Thank you Madame...I got there just in time." I said trying to stop the tears from rolling. I couldn't let our bond be known...dealing with the consequences of that relationship was something I didn't want to face right now. Not when I was worried for y/n. There was no way I was leaving her side or letting go of her hand.

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