Watch Yourself Darling

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Severus POV:

     " I guess it's our last night together before the entire school knows about us..." y/n said as we fell onto the couch in my chambers. After that exhausting situation in Hogsmeade we high tailed it back to the castle, what a bizarre turn of events today turned out to be. I wanted to spend this evening with my mate. Locked up together in this calm place we'd made our little home. She gave me the present she'd gotten me in the village and I loved it. She was so thoughtful, after I had lost the group I didn't end up getting anything in Hogsmeade...still I'm glad I was there for her after Joel kissed her...that prick was lucky to still be walking...I pulled her onto my lap and started to kiss her gently. I felt a tear drip onto my cheek asks immediately pulled away.

     "Dearest what is the matter?" I asked worriedly.

      "I just am sad that our relationship is going to never be the everyone knows. I have to tell my parents and it's just public now...I guess I'm some ways it will be good, but I just...I'm just scared." A few more tears fell down her cheeks and I kissed them away.

     "Dearest I know this was a shock today...I'm sorry..but it will be alright. Dumbledore already knows..and keeping this secret was hard in the both of us. Just because everyone knows doesn't mean we can't keep it private. I won't kiss you in the great hall." I smiled and ran my fingers through her hair. "It'll be alright. We can get through anything together." I reassured her and began to kiss her again.

       "Now let's forget about this for a while

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       "Now let's forget about this for a while..yes?" I kissed her neck and nibbled on her most sensitive place. She sighed happily and nodded her head in agreement. I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. I set her down and we both stripped ourselves quickly. I pulled my large mirror over until it was beside us on the bed. "Let's watch ourselves. I want you to see what I get to cock thrusting in and out of're face as you cum all over, and I'm going to make you squirt tonight...spray all over that mirror for me.." I growled and she took a deep breath in. I saw goose bumps appear in her breasts in anticipation. I made my way down her body, kissing and suckling. I took a nipple in my mouth and sucked on it until it was hard. "Mmmm." I moved my mouth down, down, down, and finally buried my face into her wet folds. She tasted divine. Y/n propped herself up on her elbows so she could watch as I pleasured her with my mouth. I knew to make her squirt I had a lot of work ahead of me, she needed to cum multiple times for her to spray. I was determined to make it happen. "like what you see?" I asked between licks.

Y/n pov:

    Severus did a good job at making me forget my worries. He was already sucking my clit within ten minutes of us returning from the village. Of course I wouldn't object to this pleasure though. Having him between my thighs was heaven, and getting to watch him do it was so erotic, I already felt my first orgasm building. "Ahh-ahh y-yes I love it Severus!" He licked and sucked harder and harder. I bucked against his face and watched myself cumming, his head buried between my thighs. Fuck... he stood up and I looked in the mirror at my glistening core. I admired the dips and folds of my pussy, it was swollen and pink and looked so so ready for him to fuck. I felt my clit throbbing with need, and my entrance had a stream of wet desire leaking down onto the emerald green bedsheets. He sat down on the bed in front of me, and told me to ride him reverse cowgirl so I could watch as he slid in and out. I jumped up from my spot on the bed and he laid down so I could ride him. Everytime i saw his big cock I shuddered, how did that massive beast fit inside of me. It made me feel so fucking good...I positioned myself on top of him and watched in the mirror as I lowered myself down onto it. Oh mouth opened as I sank lower and lower down onto him. Once I was fully in top of him I slowly went back up until he was all the way out, and then slammed down to the hilt. "Ahhh...!" I but my lip and began to bounce. It felt so good and looked so fucking hot in that mirror. I loved watching his cock sliding in and out of my tight pussy, I saw my cum sliding down his cock and loved ti see the glistening wet mess I was making all over his groin area. I squeezed my walls right around him and smirked when I heard him cursing. He was in my control now, and I liked it. I reached for me wand that was on the bedside table, "do you trust me?" I asked him and stopped bouncing so he could concentrate for a moment.

   "Yes, of course why?" He got on his elbows and raised his eyebrows at my wand. I moved his legs apart and waved my wand, a black glass butt plugged floated over and I winked at him. "Umm..I've never done that before." He admitted and his cheeks went red. "But I do trust you..." he was nervous I could tell, but I knew it would make him feel good so I wet the plug in my mouth and slowly pushed it inside of him. He groaned and I had to tell him to relax. Finally he relaxed a bit and I felt his cock throb inside of me. "That's not bad" he said "please start riding me again."

     I laughed a shook my head "now whose lacking patience." I teased and waved my wand again. The butt plug inside of him slowly began to extend and contract creating a small thrusting sensation everytime i bounced on his cock. I watched in the mirror and smirked when I saw him grip the sheets hard, his knuckles were white and he tried to suppress a deep gutteral moan. "Feels good doesn't it?" I started to bounce harder. This felt amazing for me and I knew he was in total ecstasy. He couldn't even say a yes in response to my question. He was moaning and bucking his hips up into me. My tits were bouncing, and I started to rub my clit.  The sight of this all happening in the mirror was intense and I felt my second orgasm growing more and more powerful. I was able to hold it off and the pressure inside me grew and grew. Severus yelled loudly that he was about to cum and I bounced even more intensely on top of him. "Me too!! Fuck I'm gonna fun Severus!" I screamed and let all that built up pressure release. I squirted on top of his huge cock and screamed in ecstasy. His lower half was soaking wet, as were the sheets, floor and the mirror. That was the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced. Severus smirked and I watched him set down his wand. "We're you practicing sex magic all along?" I asked still looking at us in the mirror.

     He sat up and kissed my neck. "Maybe I was...what did you think?" He smirked and nuzzled his face against me. I smiled and grabbed his hand pulling it to my breast. "I liked it very much...promise you'll keep trying more spells?" I watched us, he was still inside me and his hands were exploring my exposed body. "Of course I will. That is something that will never change." He linked my pinky in his and I beamed.

      Everyone knew about us now, but this love would not change because of it.

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