Packing for Christmas

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Y/n Pov:

       It was time to go home for Christmas. I wasn't nervous. My parents were surprisingly supportive of this match..they were both very powerful magic welders though so it was no surprise they knew at least something about starlight bonds. They knew it was something that could not be changed or stopped. Severus has never been to Northern Ireland before, so I was excited to show him around my home town. He said he liked my accent even though I'd occasionally have to repeat myself if I talked too fast. I thought it was funny. He was nervous..I could tell. We were set to depart for home tonight and he was already completely packed.... I was not, and I think it was stressing him out. He had everything laid out in the sitting room, presents wrapped prettily, his travel clothes laid out. He also had a few potions going in the kitchen and the entire place smelled divine. Cinnamon and Cedar were two ingredients in whatever it was he was brewing and it was spectacular. He didn't know my parents at all, he was still much too young to have gone to Hogwarts at the same time as them. I wondered into the kitchen and got on my top toes to look into the cauldrons. He was stirring one with a concentrated look on his face. I startled him a bit and he almost dropped his wooden spoon.

    "Y/n you scared me darling." He turned and kissed my forehead before going back to the potion. "This potion smells like Christmas and funnily enough is a remedy to stop a toothache from eating too many sweets. I always make it at this time of year because it smells so good, and I happen to love Christmas candies." He laughed at himself lightly and turned the flame off with a wave of his hand. Our powers were getting stronger, I'd managed to secretly sprout a flower at my last herbology club meeting. Severus had warned me to be more cautious in the presence of others...but I don't think anyone had seen.

     "Well there are plenty of sweets for us to eat at home. Everyone will appreciate this delicious potion. My Ma makes the most delicious cinnamon buns in my hometown, she makes so many that we deliver them in little parcels to all the neighbours on Christmas Eve." I inhaled the delicious smell again and then watched as he collected it in some vials. It was beautiful to me how much he loved his craft. He had a case almost completely full of vials that he carried with him everywhere, and since we were going to be gone for almost two weeks I'd watched him completely fill it. There were potions for first aid, tummy ache, to cheer one up on a bad day, relaxant, dreamless potion, hangover cure. I'd told him to pack extra of that because my father would want to drink Guiness and talk with him all night. So he had about ten vials of it alone. He was just so brilliant, I loved watching him work.

     We had put together some lovely gifts for my family. He was so thoughtful and wanted to make sure each gift was meaningful. He's said first impressions were important and didn't want to mess up. I'd told him he would be perfect and I knew he would...they'd love each other.

       I really hoped he would love the gift I'd got for him. I'd gone to a pottery class in Hogsmeade with my new friend the past two weekends, and created a hand made and hand painted cauldron by me for him. It was really beautiful, and I put a lot of myself into it. I felt so powerful making it for him, my hands sculpted it almost rhythmically...I'd never done it before but it felt like I had. Like I was meant to create it. It was wrapped up in a big box and I'd filled it with herbs and ingredients I'd foraged myself with my herbology club.
       I knew he'd adore it.

Severus POV:

       Damn I was nervous. Y/n assured me that everything would be fine. People would love me and it would all work out but there was always a bit of insecurity and doubt that crept in. I was by no means popular...I was the nerdy kid who brewed potions by himself in the dungeons all day. I'd been a target for a lot of my peers, and it effects you. I did all that I could to prepare myself for the trip. I even brushed up on some Northern Ireland slang just in case they all started talking to each other so fast I got lost. Sometimes y/n said things that made no sense to me. I had my trunk full of clothes for basically every occasion. I was told we should be hiking, drinking, playing games...Merlin her family sounded like they were rowdy as she could be all the time. I would have to really push my extrovert to the surface...even though that side of me was almost non existent.

    She finally started packing after she watched me work for a while. I loved having her near me. It was so soothing just to feel her presence nearby. I couldn't get enough of her. If she was gonna during the day I felt the need to be between her legs all night. Her taste and her scent just drove me wild with such carnal desire. I had to shake my head to come back to the present moment. I wouldn't distract her from actually packing now.

      The gift I made her was something I was truly proud of. Id created these beautiful pigments out of herbs and flowers and made them into a set of water colours. The colours were so rich and beautiful. I couldn't wait to see what she would create with them. I'd also gotten her paper, new brushes and  an easel that would fit perfectly in front of our windows so she could look out at the black lake as she painted. I was so excited to see the look on her face when she received the gift.

      It was getting closer to the time we were supposed to leave so I quickly made sure all was in order, and when I'd decided it was I could finally relax

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      It was getting closer to the time we were supposed to leave so I quickly made sure all was in order, and when I'd decided it was I could finally relax. Y/n packed quicker than I thought she would so we had about an hour of time to spend before new had to leave...I knew exactly how we would spend that hour, and by the look on her face I knew she did too.

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