The Duel

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Hey everyone!! Thank you for your continued support on this story! I want to continue this series by adding more HP character x Reader starlight soulmate stories! (Maybe Hermione FxF or a Ron or Draco x Reader...i also want to eventually do a cute fluffy smutty Neville x reader story too) So please comment some characters and idea you'd like to read about soon! In the meantime keep enjoying Severus x Y/n! ♥️


  Severus POV:

         Quite honestly I was terrified to watch this duel. I was confident that my mate would beat Joel, but he was dirty. He'd spread completely false rumours about y/n, and continually lied even when she gave him the chance to come clean. Everyone was going to watch the duel, teachers included. I had a bottle of fresh Viritaserum ready for Joel's defeat. My mate was eating the meal I'd prepared for her and then we were heading down to the designated dueling field. Half the school was already there eager to watch the battle. The whomping willow was the background to the scene and cast a pretty shadow on the ground where the duel would take place. It was a sunny fall day, and there wasn't any breeze in the air. Y/n was nervous...I could tell.

     "Dorm worry dearest, you're ten million times the spell caster he could ever be. Be confident...I know you can do this." I kissed her cheek and she nodded taking a few deep breaths. I reached across our bond and sent calming words. "I'll be there for you the whole time.." that seemed to take the edge off of her and I watched as her body relaxed. She stood up straighter, confident. She was ready.

Y/n pov:

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Y/n pov:

        I actually felt kind of bad for Joel...he'd probably have to transfer to another school after this beating. I shook my head...cockiness never got one anywhere...I needed to remain level headed, joel wasn't a terrible wizard...I was just ten times better..fuck overconfidence could be the death of me. No, no take a deep breath you've got this. I continued to argue with myself in my head the entire walk to the battle field. Once we were there though I felt extreme calm spread through my body, Severus no doubt had something to do with it.

    Joel and I glared at each other as we stood across from one another thirty paces apart. The Hufflepuff prefect Thomas took his place as duel official. He was the most impartial, and as a Hufflepuff should do the right thing especially the head boy. We wasted no time, and as quickly as we had taken our places Thomas waved his hand and the duel begun.

      Joel attacked first with "Expelliarmus." Simple I easily defended and fired back with a powerful blast

      "Confringo." He faltered but was able to defend it. We glared st each other and I yelled at him "you know you can just give up Joel! Tell the bloody truth!" He shook his head and tried to stun me, I dodged the spell and shot flames towards him. The crowd stepped back and a few first years screamed. He definitely felt the heat because it took him a minute to regain his composure. I took that as an opportunity to disarm him. The duel was as good as done. He raised his hands and Thomas called the match.

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