Silver streak

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Y/n Pov

     I was awoken by Severus in a bit of a panic, I groggily woke up but when I saw that silver streak in his hair I sat up in shock. He was holding a mirror to me and I saw a matching streak in my hair. What the fuck. Last night had been absolutely magical, I'd never felt power like that in all my life. I got up quickly and ran to the bathroom to observe my appearance further. Damn I was skin was perfection, my hair was so gorgeously shiny, and I looked so healthy. That silver streak could stay if it kept me feeling this way. I could feel energy thrumming through our bond, he felt so close...I could look into his mind instantly, reach across that bond with no effort.

      "Do you feel this's incredible...I feel unstoppable..." I looked at him and he nodded.

     "I feel the same way darling...something happened to us last night in that starlight..." he reached out to run his hands through my hair. Fuck he also looked incredible. He was a beautiful man already, and with whatever power we'd uncovered last night...he was radiant. I pulled him in for a kiss and melted...his touch made my knees go weak.

    "What is this? I've never felt this way...I don't know what to do with all this power..I feel like I...I don't know maybe it's ridiculous but I feel like I could cast without my wand.." I reached my hand out towards the bathtub, and took a lot of strength but the faucet turned on and steamy hot water began to fill the tub. I almost fainted in shock at what I'd just done. Severus looked equally shocked. "what the fuck?!" I exclaimed and ran to the edge of the bathtub. "How...oh my god..." Severus looked equally confused, but then I saw him reach out towards the tub and the water stopped. We could cast without our wands....we could cast without our fucking wands....sure turning a faucet on and off wasn't anything impressive, but it was something. I ran over to him and jumped into his arms excitedly.

       "This is truly fascinating...I am going to go to the library this afternoon, see what I can find about starlight magic in the restricted section...I haven't ventured that deep into that area've kept me occupied during all my free time dearest." He kissed me and then walked into the kitchen area to prepare breakfast. We had been enjoying lots of our meals in our chambers lately...the great hall was fine, but I really didn't have many friends was sad..I didn't like to think about it much, and Severus kept me happy...I did need to find some other companionship though...I missed having friends to talk to...I trusted Severus with everything, but I couldn't gossip with him and talk about my sex life with him like I would a close friend.

     "Well while you go to the library...I'm going to look at some clubs...maybe see some fellow prefects...I don't know.." I looked down at the ground feeling kind of defeated. Severus walked over to me and Lifted my chin with his hand.

    "You're incredible y/n...your past friends didn't appreciate you, and I know it still hurts. Others will love you for who you are, and I have no doubt you'll be able to find some new friends. You know of all the kids in your year, but you don't really know know each and every one. I bet you'll be surprised once you find out more about some of your peers." He kissed me on the lips, and squeezed my ass. I squeaked and whispered something dirty I planned on doing to him later after his visit to the library. He squeezed my ass again and agreed he'd make that happen later tonight.

Severus POV:

       Fuck she was so incredibly sexy. Her whispers about our later activities had aroused me, my cock was throbbing...she'd requested the water sex swing again, and this time the water tentacles be freezing cold as they fucked her like a pliable magic fucking machine...I had to take care of this erection before I went to the library. I stroked myself to completion in the shower as I washed up...I groaned and sprayed my seed all over the side of the wall. I'd been imagining I was busting my load on her tits...they were so perfect, bouncy, large...I had to stop fantasizing about her or I'd get nothing done today.

     I'd sent her off to enjoy her Saturday joining a new club, and having her quidditch practice. I was proud of her, she was an incredible quidditch player, star chaser...she scored a lot of points every game I saw her play....I knew she'd make some new friends. She was happy with me, but a person needs more than just one companion. She was a social butterfly, she was the complete opposite of me. I didn't crave human interaction...I had no need to chat or gossip or go on walks with anyone but my mate, and that was okay if she needed it. I had accepted that at the beginning of our partnership. She wanted to talk about our wedding almost every day, and I was excited to get married but I didn't care about what flowers she wanted or if she was going to wear a vail or tiara...she needed some more friends.

      I made my way down to the library and went deep into the restricted section. I'd read the common knowledge starlight bond books, but I knew there were books on ancient and mysterious magic in these vaults. I grabbed a few that sounded promising and began to skim through. We could cast without wands now....I hadn't tried much else out of fear but I knew I could do more....we had unlocked a part of ourselves I didn't know was possible...what would I discover in these old books...

what would I discover in these old books

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