His Chambers

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Severus POV:

She looked positively scrumptious laid out on my bed, legs splayed, I quickly got to work removing her clothing. Soon she was completely naked and for the first time she was laid out before me bare. I stared at her beauty, the only thing I'd left on was the necklace I'd gave her that morning. "You're beautiful y/n" I whispered beginning to pull of my clothing now. My eyes devoured her, studying her every curve, dip, scar...she looked up at me and I could see her studying my form as well. Her eyes lingered on my hard cock and she licked her lips it was shining with the pre cum that had formed while she teased me in class.

"I need you Severus...please all I want is you to fill me up, fuck me until I can hardly walk the rest of the day..." she reached her hand up to me and I climbed on top of her. I kissed her and again felt the power of our bond lighting up within me, connecting us. She was already dripping for me...all of the anticipation had us more than ready for each other. Her lips worked hungrily against mine, and she trailed her fingers along the sides of my body, and when she ran them along my spine I shuddered and moaned.

I couldn't handle it any more and liked my large cock up with her eager pussy. I pushed myself inside of her and groaned as she took me all the way to the hilt. She was so tight around me I could hardly believe I fit. Her mouth opened and her eyes rolled back, I knew we both felt the pure euphoria of being joined together. "Y/n....fuck you're perfect." I murmured against her lips as I began to thrust. I began slowly allowing her to adjust I felt my cock hitting her cervix everytime i went to the base of my shaft. She threw her legs to the sides and I grabbed her ass hard, it would surely leave a mark. I moved my body up and Liften her hips to get a better angle to her g spot. She moaned loudly at the adjustment and I knew I'd found the perfect angle. She put her legs up on my shoulders and I watched her tits bounce as I began to thrust harder.

"Severus!!" She cried out in ecstasy as I plunged my cock into her again and again and again. I moved my hand to her nipple and pinched the hardened nub between my fingers. With my other hand I began to rub her clit in tight fast circles. I planned on making her cum multiple times before letting her go to her next class. The first time she released she tightened so hard around me I thought I might cum too, but I had to hold on. I wouldn't let myself release until she had her fill. She arched her back and I gripped her hips keeping her right where I wanted her. "More...more!" She begged, and I obliged.

Y/n pov:

"Fuck!!" I screamed out in pleasure again as the second orgasm shook through my body. He filled me up so good, our bodies were made for each other. I'd never felt such pleasure in my life, and my body shook as he plowed into me over and over again. I opened my eyes to watch his face contort in pleasure. He was enjoying this just as much as I was...it was impressive how he could hold his orgasm for so long. I was getting close to my third orgasm when I felt a strange sensation, the pressure was building and building and I screamed as I came a third time. As I released a huge gush of my cum squirted around his cock and he smirked as he watched me soak us both and his bed sheets. I'd never squirted before, but then again I'd never been fucked by a cock as big as his.

"Good girl.." he murmured watching me come down from my third high.

He pulled out and lowered his mouth to my pussy so he could lick up the juices I'd spilled for him.

"You taste incredible dearest." He hummed and continued to lick. I was shaking under him still delirious from the fucking I'd just taken. "Now get on your hands and knees and turn around. It's my turn." I almost protested because I wanted to see his face as he came, but was happy to see as I moved into position that he had a mirror placed in front of me so I could watch him fuck me from behind.

He lined himself up to my entrance and thrusted in to the hilt. I moaned loudly and gripped his sheets until my knuckles were white. His thrusts were so hard, he'd been taken over by that animalistic power of our bond. He slapped my ass so hard I squeaked in pain, but I liked that I would be able to see his hand print later when I daydreamed about this moment. I watched in the mirror as he groaned and fucked me harder and harder. He was close, I watched as he but his lip and closed his eyes in concentration. He grabbed my waist and pulled me against him with each thrust. I felt myself tipping over the edge and when he yelled my name in release I felt myself too over into orgasm a fourth time. I loved the feeling of his load filling me up, and he stayed inside me for a while as we came down from our peak. He rubbed my ass where he'd spanked me.

"A reminder for later.." he said and pulled out. A stream of our cum came dripping out after him and he leaned down to look at my gaping hole in satisfaction. "You are such a good girl for me y/n..that was incredible." He pulled my shaking body into his arms and laid back on his pillows. I sat curled up in his lap and looked up into his eyes.

"I can't wait to do it again." I whispered before connecting our lips. "I don't want to go to classes this afternoon...I want to stay with you in here...this place feels so safe...please don't make me leave." I made my best attempt at giving him puppy eyes, and waited to see what he'd say.

"I want that too dearest...you know I do, but we have obligations...I promise you y/n...we have the rest of our lives to be together, and I know it still doesn't feel like enough but we just have to..." he sighed "I'm sorry my love...I want to give you the world...we have to figure this out together..I have some books about this bond from the library that we can go through later..see if we get any answers there?" I felt bad after that speech. He felt the same way I did, and we had to work together to navigate these new feelings and magic. "I love you y/n." He whispered and kissed my brow. I froze, we hadn't said that yet. My body filled with warmth and I snuggled closer to him.

"I love you too Severus." I whispered back.

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now