Welcome Home

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Y/n pov -

       The remainder of the wedding was incredible. We danced, kissed, gave tearful speeches, and received many gifts from our friends and family. At the end of the night my husband and mate had one more surprise. He'd been building something for me. My eyes filled with tears as he recounted the past months spent meticulously planning, and watching over his gift to me. "A home in the Irish countryside, by those magical cliffs we felt so close to...y/n my love. I wanted a place for us to call home, a home that we can one day pass down to our children. That will carry the magic of our bond for eternity." Tears were spilling down my cheeks, and my heart was filled with so much gratitude for my mate. He knew me so well, knew my dreams, hopes, wishes....everyone cheered as he swooped me up into his arms, and started walking towards the exit. Through our bond he added a few final words just to me. "I can't wait to fuck you in every room y/n, my beautiful wife."

      We waved to our guests, thanked them for attending, said our final farewells, I love you's, and were on our way to our new home. Once outside of the Hogwarts grounds Severus apparated us to the grounds of our home. Home seemed like an understatement this was so beautiful...manor like. Something I'd never thought I'd possibly own. Severus looked at me lovingly as I took in the stunning view.

       "Starlight manor" he whispered to me. It truly was the perfect encapsulation of us both. The grounds were massive, filled to the brim with flowers, herbs, gardens, a lake, and various creatures walking free. I could see how they stretched all the way to the cliffs where our bond had flourished months before. I knew he felt it, the strength of our magic was amplified here. Surrounded by nature, magic, the stars shone so bright above us. There was a greenhouse that I'm sure was full of ingredients for my mates potions. We walked hand in hand towards the house and again I felt tears spill down my cheeks.

   "Oh Severus...oh thank you. This is just..words can't even explain to me how grateful I am for this." He leaned in and kissed me.

"I know Darling, I can feel everything you feel." He kissed my cheek and led me towards our home. My eyes grew bigger and bigger as we walked to the entrance. Ivy grew all over the brick walls, and gave even more life to the place. I couldn't wait to walk through the grounds in the daylight, but right now the ache between my thighs was growing too strong to contain. Severus knew I was aching for him, and swooped me up into his arms. "Bedroom now, the rest of the tour and presents can come later." I raised my eyebrows at the promise of other gifts, I leaned in and planted my lips against his. I couldn't wait for our first time as husband and wife. He carried me through the halls of this sprawling place and I kept sneaking glimpses of the incredible rooms. I had already seen how our magic was truly capable of anything. He had created a masterpiece, rooms you would think were small were sprawling with greenery, spa like baths, showers I couldn't wait to blow him in....

   Finally we arrived to the master bedroom. "Wow..." he placed me on the bed and I had to sit up to take a look around. The ceiling and the wall facing our cliffs were made of glass so we could see the stars, and the cliffs (what I believe the source of our magic was.) the bed was absolutely massive, various shades of green and blue came together and blended into the most beautiful rich pallets for this room. There was a fireplace beside the door to the closet, and art (including mine) all over the walls. He told me I'd have to wait to see the bathroom, and I could only imagine how beautiful it would be. He knew how much I adored the water.

    He trailed his hand along my exposed back and his hand went to the buttons of my wedding dress. All my attention went to him, the ache between my legs was too much to hold off any longer.

Severus POV -

"Fuck y/n you're stunning....my beautiful bride." I stood her in front of me and watched as the rich white fabric fell down her curves exposing her bare skin inch by inch. Her breasts were so full and round, her nipples perky and sensitive. She squeaked as I took a nipple in my mouth and sucked it to full attention. She stepped out of her dress fully, and was fully bare to me now. "No underwear...scandalous." I took her in fully with my eyes scanning every inch and curve of her. Our bodies thrummed with the magical energy of our bond. This place...it was the perfect home base for us. I looked at her perfect pussy and smirked when I saw a little drip of cum roll down the inside of her thigh. She was more than ready for me...she needed me. "Lay down, spread yourself for me." Y/n splayed her legs wide, and I pounced. I needed to taste her. I threw my dress robes to the floor and my tongue dipped into her soaking wet folds. She tasted divine...once I was fully nude I really began to devour her. I knew how to make her scream. My tongue swirled around her clit in fast darting circles, then sucked on it every so often to really make her squirm.

"Fuck! Severus!" Y/n was like putty in my hands. Her legs wrapped around my head pulling me in closer, but I didn't mind. She was in ecstasy, and I was too. But...

......What had I ever done to deserve her...I don't think I did...or ever would...my mind had been going there lately...but as quick as the thought came to me I pushed it away hoping she hadn't caught it floating through my mind. Luckily she was in the throes of her first orgasm and didn't notice......

I pulled away and kissed a trail from her wetness to her mouth. "Fuck me Sev" she said between our intense kisses, and I happily obliged. I positioned a pillow under her hips, put her legs up on my shoulders, and got on my knees perfectly positioned to hit her right where I wanted to. This angle hit her just right every time, tonight was all about her pleasure. I slowly, teasingly pushed my hard throbbing cock inside of her. Fuck she was tight...I felt her slowly accommodating my cock and pushed deeper until I was in to the hilt. I slowly began to move my hips back and forth and she threw her head back and moaned. I knew it felt good, fuck I felt good..."harder" she whined and moved her hips against mine.

"Slow down dearest." I placed my hand on her lower stomach and then moved it downwards until my thumb was pressing against her clit. I moved my thumb forwards and back rubbing it hard and slow as I began to rock my hips. "How's that?" I started to fuck her harder....she was so wet the sounds we made together were so fucking hot. Her moaning became louder and louder as she reached her second orgasm. Once she was finished I pulled out and flipped her onto her stomach. I couldn't help it, the carnal desire for her was too much. I gripped her hips and pulled her up hard filling her with my cock to the hilt. She screamed in pleasure and threw her head back arching her back. I grabbed her hair "fuck y/n I can't control myself...you're so fucking hot."

"Fuck me hard Severus. Prove how fucking hot you think I am. I'm so tight for you...so wet for you. Please fuck me...hard!" I lost myself at those words. I moved my hands back to her hips and started to pound into her. She screamed in ecstasy and I saw her knuckles white against the sheets. "Yes!!! Yes like that! Oh fuck!!" She was on the edge of her third climax and I knew it was going to be a shower, I could see her cum squirting out around me with each thrust. The sheets were already drenched. I was also nearing my final destination so I really gave it to her. I wanted to finish together and then quickly recover so I could ravish her again. "Severus! Yes!" Her walls clenched around my cock hard as she came, and I could not hold on a moment longer.

"Fuck y/n you're so fucking good, I'm cumming!" I thrusted hard once more and that was our undoing. We both came together shaking and moaning. I pulled out of her tight pussy and a flood out our mixed fluids came spilling out after me. She'd need some of the potion I'd brewed earlier this week in preparation. I pulled her into my arms and laid us together in the big plush pillows of our bed. We were sweaty and smelled like hot sex. It was perfect. "My wife." I smiled and kissed her sweaty temple as she sighed in content. She was so beautiful, her gorgeous eyes closed as she laid against my chest.

"I love you so much Severus" she whispered. I pulled her in close and laid in happy silence with her for a while.

"Let me draw us a bath love?" I smirked knowing there was still so much of the house she hadn't seen. Many incredible water features for us to have fun in, a sex room hidden somewhere on the property. Our own little room of requirement that would change places and have whatever we needed at the time. This place was truly a paradise of our own. I knew we would travel too, but it was good to know that whenever we needed it this was our home. She rolled off of me and struck a sexy pose and winked flirtatiously.

"Sounds good Severus, I can't wait to take things to the water." I felt my cock twitch in anticipation. This truly would be a great couple of days before we took off on our honeymoon. Fiji, that would be a whole other adventure.

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now