After shock

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Snapes Pov:

Y/n is the only thing I can think of. Morning, noon, night, and in my dreams she is there. The feel of her skin on my hands, the smell of her perfume, and those eyes...such a deep shade of green. They reminded him of someone he once loved, and the colours of his home. Everytime he closed his eyes he was transported back to the moment they kissed on his desk, and he sees flashes of her eyes gleaming at him. She had seemed excited, nervous, and slightly scared when he'd caught her about to fuck herself ok his desk. The vision of the scene he'd walked in on was enough to make his mouth water. She was exquisitely beautiful, and smart...why had he pushed her away...? Well he was her teacher, but if there was something there...was that forgivable? Could he take a chance on went against everything he told himself he wouldn't do. Dumbledore had given him a chance at redemption after he fell in with the dark lord...he was a spy, and if he was ever found out the woman he was with would he put in danger...and if it was found out he had a mating bond with her..that would be even worse. He shook his head and paced around his living room. He wouldn't sleep that night.

Y/N Pov:

My heart was hammering in my chest as I ran through the dark halls of the castle. I headed directly to the Prefect baths to calm down after that emotional encounter with Snape. It was undeniable. The connection we had was electric and there was no way I could let him just push me away like that. When our eyes met it felt like I've known him my whole life. He pushed me away and it broke me, but still I could see into the depths of his soul and what I felt was warmth. In the freezing dungeons below Hogwarts his touch, his gaze had sent my shivers away, and I felt lighter. When he kissed me back I could have cried out in pure bliss. This is why I was so persistent, why is gone to such bizarre lengths to get his attention. For this...sure he had sent me away but one does not simply forget a moment like that. I had to see him again...soon.

I wrote a note and sent it with my loyal Barn Owl Firenze. It read "meet me at the hot springs between the forbidden forest and the black lake tomorrow night at midnight. - miss.Y/n" I would go there tomorrow and wait until Dawn if I had to...If he felt the same fire between us that I did he would be there. He wouldn't miss it for the world.

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