Y/n - The Day Before The Big Day

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Y/n POV:

         I was finally finished school, I'd passed my exams with high marks and Severus had made me cum twice for every test result over eighty five. He would have done so anyway if I'd asked, but it was kind of a fun little game we occasionally liked to play. After his sexy lesson a few months ago I'd gotten much better at wielding our magic but every once in a while I needed a reminder. Severus always knew when I'd pushed myself too far and he'd be waiting in our room with ropes and a gag to teach me again.

      We were getting married tomorrow...I could hardly wait. My vows were written and the dress was hanging in my childhood home closet. I was staying the night at my families manor and would go to Hogwarts in time for the wedding once I was ready. Dumbledore had set up a top secret entrance for Severus and my personal us e. I knew Severus was planning some kind of wedding gift  for me but I had no idea what it was. I just knew there were days he was much busier than he normally would be on a school day. I'm sure he was madly rushing around to finalize any last minute details for the gift and the wedding. I felt a little guilty as I lay here in my big claw foot tub soaking and pampering myself with oils and bubbles and a face mask.

   As I lay in the tub I began to think of tomorrow night...the wedding night. We were no strangers to each others bodies but we were going to be married and somehow it felt different. My cheeks began to heat at the thought of him inside me...pounding into my core over and over again. Fuck...I reached inward to our shared connection and sent a wave of my current emotion towards him. I could hear his groan led response when the feeling hit.

     "Dearest you must tease me now? You know I have many things to do." I smirked, teasing him was my favourite thing to do.

    "If you can't mind fuck my now then Severus go on about your duties and you'll just have to feel it all as I do it myself." I closed my eyes and concentrated on my actions so he would know every thing I did and thought. He didn't respond but I could feel him listening in, feeling everything through the bond.

    The bath tub water was still warm, perfect for what I was planning on doing to myself. I waved my hand and two little tentacles latched onto my nipples and began to suck and pinch them. I gripped the edge of the tub and bit my lip to suppress a groan. My pussy was aching now, desperate to be sucked...filled...even through the water I could tell it was slick with arousal. I waved my hand again and the water moved down to caress my thighs, hips, ass, and labia. It was teasing me much like Severus liked to do. Touching and tickling my most sensitive areas building my arousal even more. I let it turn me on for the next five minutes. It was agony, but a good kind of agony. The kind of teasing that would elicit an explosive orgasm at the end. Once I couldn't hold on any longer I waved my hand again and the water became a force that's only job was to make me cum. It swirled around my clit, lapping at it like the most intense waves in the ocean. My legs spread wide, resting on the edges of the tub. I needed to be spread wide for the waves that flowed up me, they rushed against my clit and then continued up to lap at my top sensitive nipples. I laid my head back and surrendered to the water. It was my creation and therefore knew what I needed. The swirling on my clit became faster and harder, it felt like Severuss tongue feasting on me like he hadn't eaten in days. I thought of my mate and hoped he was feeling this all through our bond. I closes my eyes and when I reached across the bond I was happy to hear the rhythmic thumping of his cock in his hand. That confirmation only turned me on even more and brought on my first orgasm. I gasped and shook as my body gave in to the extreme pleasure. The water was relentless though and continued to pleasure me. It morphed again and before I knew what was happening I felt it inside of me. It was filling me up so fully...every corner and spot was being pressed and the sensation was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. The full sensation only grew when my ass was filled as well, and then it enveloped my clit again and began to vibrate. I had to stop myself from screaming out as every g spot and sensitive place was lit up with beautiful, deep vibrations. My back arched and I gripped the sides of the tub so tightly I was sure my knuckles were white. I was seeing Stars, and I knew Severus was too, I felt us both cumming together and the waves of pleasure that coursed through my body were as powerful as the waves that did it. The vibrations slowed and the water pulled out of me. The aftershocks of that orgasm would last until I fell asleep. I knew it would be a deep sleep too. Severus reached out across the bond and told me he'd made a mental note of what had just occurred in that bathtub. It made me laugh, and wish he was here with me now. He heard my thoughts and promised me that we would be together soon. He told me how much he loved me, and that we were always together even when we were apart.

     As I lay in my bed that night I kept the bond open, Severus was there. Telling me sweet things and sending little kisses down the line. I drifted off into a dreamless, deep sleep fast. I could hardly wait to wake up and marry him the next day. I was so lucky that I'd found my mate.

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