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Y/n POV:

    The weeks leading up to Christmas were so dreamy. We were living in bliss, nobody was bothering us anymore, we were freshly engaged, and having the most incredible sex daily. Severus was so good at knowing what made me to get me off quickly, and more than once. Every time he had his face between my legs I was shaking, moaning, swearing, and cumming. It was truly fucking good sex.

     We were going back to the black lake pools was winter now, but the pools remained perfectly hot, and Severus promised he'd keep me warm on the walk back to the castle afterwards. We'd decided I would go home for Christmas alone but he would join me after a few days to meet my family...I knew he was incredibly nervous, and being without me for a few days would likely drive him mad. I bet he'd show up a day early because he'd be so lost without me. We walked out of the castle hand in hand after checking to make sure there wasn't a full moon this time...the night was clear and bright, and the sky was full of the most incredible stars. The walk was only about ten minutes from the castle, it was about midnight...nobody was there luckily. We stripped quickly and got into the steaming water, I instantly felt all tension leave my body and groaned in pleasure, the warm water felt so nice on my sore quidditch muscles. Severus pulled me into his lap and started to kiss the side of my neck. I sighed happily and looked up to enjoy the stars. Fucking outside was something I'd discovered really turned me on. There was something that took over my body as soon as my nipples hit that cold night air, my senses felt heightened and maybe it was just because I was so much closer to nature out here. I moved my hips back to grind against his groin, and he sighed in content. I can't count the amount of times we'd fucked since our bond was confirmed..being back in this place where we'd first had sex was magical. The bond felt more powerful here, I felt myself losing control, becoming more animalistic and close to that bond thrumming between us with such intensity. I turned to look into Severuss eyes and his pupils were so dilated ,I knew mine looked the same. I could see a million Stars shining in those eyes I loved so much...this place was special, and it would carry this power of ours now and forever.

     I crashed my lips to his and that's when we lost all control. He slid into me with ease and his hands went to my hips immediately. The water was splashing and making waves around us as we bucked and rocked. He filled me up so perfectly, but I wanted more. I grabbed my wand from the edge of the pool and with a flick of my wand the water morphed and hardened. It slid into my ass and then I waved it again and an identical one pushed its way into Severuss. He growled with pleasure and I smirked into our passionate kiss. Water was my favourite element to play with when it came to sex was so pliable, bendable, it could be anything.

      The other week Severus had me suspended from the ceiling with water and tentacles of water were fucking me from all different directions. He watched and stroked his cock as he watched his magic go to work on me. Fuck I'd loved that...we have to do it again soon..

      My hand went down to my clit and I began to rub it slowly not wanting to cum too fast, but Severus took my hand away and replaced it with his own. He didn't care to keep me from finishing quickly because he planned on making me fun multiple times. He rubbed me in the exact spot I needed to come undone for the first time. My back arched and I screamed in ecstasy. The magic that filled me was so intense I knew I was glowing with starlight at my climax. I looked up into the sky and stared at the stars...I knew it was them that gave us this power...the ancient magic in the was so pure and beautiful just like our love. My pussy was clenching so hard around Severuss huge throbbing cock I have no idea how he held on to his climax.

     I could feel him beginning to near his high a few minutes after I came for the first time. He was shaking, his thrusts up into me were becoming more frantic and sloppy. I grabbed his hips and took control.

Severus POV:

      Y/n knew when she needed to take over. I wasn't going to be able to hold on any longer and trying to keep my climax in was painful. This place heightened our power...I believe any time we were under the stars our powers were stronger, and especially in the place our bond began. When she came she'd looked up at the stars and was miraculous to see..she is so darling mate...her hands were gripped tightly on my hips holding me in place as she took over and rode me. Up and down up and down...fuck this was breathing became heavier, and I felt that familiar pressure building and building. I looked up at the stars like she had, we were going to cum at the same time...I could feel her walls shaking around my cock. The added pressure from her water toys was also so so nice against my prostate. She bucked her hips harder and faster. I pressed my fingers against her clit and that was all she needed. We both climaxed and it was spectacular...I felt us rise from the pool, shining light, the stars seemed to move towards us at hyper speed and we were surrounded by them for a few moments. My seed spurted deep inside of her body, and we shook. I'd never felt this kind of power in all of my felt similar to when we'd become a bonded pair.

     We slowly floated back down and landed softly into the hot pool where we'd been fucking. We held each other in silence for a long time...slowly so slowly coming down from that insane mysterious thing we had just experienced. It just reminded me that we still had so much we still needed to figure out about this bond...I can't recall how long we stayed there...could have been thirty minutes or three hours...

      Eventually we got out and made our way back into the castle on shaky legs. We collapsed into our bed and slept until noon the next day..when I woke up I felt different...power was thrumming between us, I'd never felt so good...y/n had a beautiful glow to her skin is never seen, and I was shocked to see a bright streak of intensely white hair on her head that was not there before. I ran to the mirror and was shocked to see I had a tuft the same colour in my hair too. What the fuck had happened to us last night....

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