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Snapes pov:

Someone has been sneaking around in my private spaces. I had my classroom, storage, lab/study, and my home above it all. My stores had been rummaged through multiple times this week and there was a distinct smell of sex in the air everytime I walked into my study. Someone was playing me for a fool. It was driving me mad, I had to catch the culprit. They seemed to coke around the same time each morning, during my second block. I wanted to make sure so I let it go on for a few days more to make sure I had the right time. Then I sent my second block class to the library to write a paper and I waited in my storage closet. It had a one way mirror looking into my laboratory so I could see who was making a mess of my vials....

    Ten minutes pass by and I am worried I had been wrong all along about the time, but as I was turning to go up the stairs to my chambers I heard the door squeak open and y/n enter slowly

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    Ten minutes pass by and I am worried I had been wrong all along about the time, but as I was turning to go up the stairs to my chambers I heard the door squeak open and y/n enter slowly. Of course...I watched as she grabbed a vial of wolfsbane next to a cauldron of potion and say herself in my chair. She could not see me from behind this mirror and I felt dirty. Maybe I should walk away, or jump out and send her to detention, but I couldn't do it. I was stuck staring at her as she pushed her robes to the side. What and why was she doing this? She spread her legs and put them up on the desk in front of her. My cock bulged against my pants as I watched her insert the vial and begin to move it in and out. My breath hitched in my throat and I couldn't breath or move away from the mirror. My hand went to my trousers and began to undo the button, I stroked myself and watched her as she rubbed her clit and fucked herself. She threw her head back and arched her back revealing rock hard nipples poking out from under her uniform. Cum was dripping down the base of the glass vial and onto the floor, and then I heard her moan my name. "Severus, professor, oh Severus please, more" fuck...I stroked myself harder as she got closer to her climax. I could tell she was close as she shifted in my chair and her legs shook against the desk. I pulled out my wand and pointed it at the glass vial she was using. I increased the size of the vial thinking it would bring y/n more pleasure and it did. Soon enough we had both reached our climax. Y/n shook and moaned as she squirted out onto the floor. I watched as She pulled out the vial and looked at it in confusion. She must be wondering when it got so big. Still I would not reveal myself, I knew she was the culprit but maybe she wanted to be caught. I didn't want to know, if I walked into that room I don't think I'd be able to contain myself. I wouldn't catch least not yet.

Y/n pov:

The vial got bigger. How was that possible? I felt the shift in size as I fucked myself and had to bite my lip to keep from crying out. Did I do that? I'd been dabbling in sex magic on my own but I'd never been able to change the size of something inside myself. Had I been found out? I sure hope so. Feeling satisfied I set the vial aside and ran back to my dormitory in time to wash up and make it to my next class.

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