The Truth Comes Out

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Y/n POV:

     Walking to Hogsmeade was always something I enjoyed doing on my weekends. My friends and I had had breakfast together and then began the trek, I was excited for butter beer and shopping. I wanted to get Severus something nice. He was everything a girl could hope for, but it was sad that I had to keep it a secret. Nobody knew him the way I knew him. He was a kind man, intelligent, and warm. Yet everyone thought he was some kind of grouchy monster. I almost fought a fellow Raveclaw who was complaining about a mark he'd given her..she claimed it wasn't fair, but if she got a bad mark it was nobody's fault but her own. I had to back off because people were confused about why I was protecting Professor Snape. I just couldn't wait for the truth to finally come out.

    My friends Peter, Flo, and Imogen were all excitedly chatting about what they were going to buy in the town while grilling me about my secret lover at the same time. They were extremely jealous of all the great sex I'd been having, and then told some stories about the terrible sex they had been having. It was fun to chat about our love lives to each other, even if I couldn't tell them the absolute truth of my mating bond. I'd tell them everything one day..they'd understand why I had to keep it a secret.

     Severus had pouted when I'd jumped out of bed early that morning. He had wanted to keep me there and to himself all day, but I needed fresh air. Plus I we couldn't walk around together outside without raising suspicion. I loved nature and until our bond was public I had to get outside by myself. I'd go crazy under house arrest. He knew that. No doubt he wouldn't be far behind me on his walk into town. Id picked out his outfit this morning, and he looked so damn good. I saw a couple of my peers checking him out at breakfast and felt a blinding jealous rage. It was strange, having this carnal possessive desire for another person. I'd never experienced anything close to a feeling like that.

       Once in the village we went to get a butter beer, and weee joined by a few more friends Abby, Joel, and Lacy

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       Once in the village we went to get a butter beer, and weee joined by a few more friends Abby, Joel, and Lacy. Joel had been quiet since I told him about my relationship. Lacy said it was because he had been planning on asking me out, but I didn't believe her. We had been buddies since third year and he'd never once made a move, and besides it was too late for that. I was bonded for life, and nothing would change that.

       Severus POV:

     Going to the village was some thing I didn't often do. Sometimes I would go to pick up a special ingredient for a potion, but that didn't happen very much because professor sprout had an excellent selection growing at all times. I had told my fellow coworkers that I had a few errands to run but really, I was just following y/n. She was chatting with her friends all breakfast, and I couldn't help but feel jealous. I wish people knew about our relationship. It was so hard keeping this secret, but it had to be done for now.

       The sex was amazing and I don't think I'd ever get over it. I asked her to stay with me in bed, but she did take it outside. I know how she longs for the outdoors and I wouldn't keep that love of nature from her. We haven't known each other for long, but it felt like a year has passed already. I followed them through the town trying to keep a good distance so I didn't blow my cover.

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