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Y/n pov

He wasn't getting the hint. There is only so much brown nosing I can do before it makes me infuriated. He didn't seem to give me the time of day. I mean occasionally I'd see him watching me while I did my work, and I'd often catch his eye at meal times in the great hall. I guess that was something....Still it's not enough. I was known to be quite promiscuous in my year, and had a few people who frequently trailed after me hoping to get a chance under my robes. I distracted myself from Snape by fucking a quite a few fellow students, but I was convinced none of them would compare to him.

" Professor." I raised my hand without knowing what I was going to ask.

"Yes miss. Y/n, what could be so important that you interrupt silent brewing time?" He retorted in an annoyed tone.

"Umm..can you come see if this looks right?" I asked. I knew full well that it was completely perfect, but any way I could get closer to him...when he approached the desk I turned so he had to press up against me to look into my cauldron. I suppressed a shiver but goosebumps formed on the skin hiding under my robes. "Well?" I asked him with a smirk.

"Miss. Y/n why do you need to show me this when you already know it was done properly. Are you trying to waste my time? Ten points from Ravenclaw." (Snapes pov) Severus found it quite impressive really. The ability to concoct that level of potion in the allotted time to such a perfect level was hard to do, but he had to keep her away from him. Her scent was slightly intoxicating, but he told himself it was just the potent fumes coming off the potion they were brewing that made him react that way...

Y/n pov:
For fucks sake, I thought as I watched him walk away from me. Nothing I did was getting me even close to the results I wanted. I was going to have to start taking drastic measures to get his attention. Maybe If I started to leave little things around his space that made him think of me he'd start to give me the time of day...or I could tease him a bit. He was my teacher after all, he probably thought I was insane. I thought about him consistently throughout my days. At quidditch practice, in all of my classes, and especially at night. I pictured his hands doing demonstrations, and imagined what those hands could do to me. Imagined my hands as his as I touched myself and made myself squirm and moan. "Severus" I'd whisper in the prefect baths late into the night. I wish he'd catch me moaning his name and the sound would be so irresistible he would drop his clothes and take me on the spot. Maybe that should be my approach...let him catch me in the act. He couldn't look away from me then.

I knew he had the second set of seventh year students directly after my class in the early mornings each day. I would sneak into his private lab on the opposite side of his ingredients closet and hope he would forget something and find me while he looked for it. The first attempt at this plan was a failure, he never left the class and I was left totally defeated and kind of turned off by the end of second block. I was lucky I had a spare. Prefects had responsibilities and I wasn't going to let my grades drop even for something as sexy as this.

I tried again on Tuesday, again on Wednesday and by Thursday I was getting frustrated. He never forgot I had to think of something else. I'd use a vial from his ingredients stash to fuck myself with, and then I'd leave the evidence sitting beside a potion he was brewing. He couldn't ignore that, could he? It was incredibly hot, stealing from professor snape and imagining it was him who was using his precious vials to fill me up. I came quite fast and left the vial beside his amortentia potion. To me...It smelled like him.

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