The Wedding Ceremony

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Snape pov:

The events that took place last night were a godsend as I was still anxiously awake in a bed that felt too cold without her. As soon as I felt that all too familiar tug on our bond I was instantly there. I usually rested my mind right beside it waiting for her to beckon me through it. Or until I was so impatient that I'd begin to tug at her end, pulling her towards me. The wedding was today, it would take place in front of the castle with the whomping willow at a safe distance behind us. That tree was so beautiful to me, dangerous but I liked to think it was just misunderstood. That view of Hogwarts with the willow was my favourite. The ceremony would be intimate, our closest family and friends would attend and then there would be dancing, drinking, speeches. I was nervous about being so open in front of others...most of my innermost thoughts and feelings were specifically reserved for y/n. Most others found me cold....detached maybe...but I'd get through this day happily for my mate. I'd do anything for her, and at the end of the day we would be husband and wife...the thought brought a slight smile to my face. I could t wait to see the look on hers when she saw the gift I'd been working on. Our home in Ireland by those cliffs we felt such a strong connection to.

We would head there once our feet hurt from dancing and our bellies were full of food and drink. I'd whisk her away to our magical new home and make love to her for as long as I wanted. As loudly and with as much fervour as we so pleased. I felt my member stiffen ever so slightly as I envisioned it. Her perky breasts in my mouth, my fingers pumping inside of her...fuck the way her cum dribbled down my chin once I'd pleased her so well..I shook my head and looked up in the mirror. I had to divert my thoughts elsewhere or we wouldn't make it to the wedding. I pulled our rings out of my dress robe pocket and tried mine on. I was happy to wear this for the rest of my life. My dress robes were perfectly tailored, and I looked good. The streak of silver on my eyebrow and hair suited me well. It stood out on my raven black hair so clearly...the shade was more than silver was magical. It was starlight. Y/n would gladly rip these clothes off of me later tonight, but I know she will enjoy seeing them as she walks towards me.

I made my way down from my chambers, I knew this place so well. The halls echoed as I walked through. It was so quiet with all the students gone. They'd been out of class for two weeks now, and we'd basically done nothing but fuck and plan the wedding since. It had been bliss. I'd snuck away to the house a few times to put in some final touches and it was truly perfect. We had come down and decorated together yesterday afternoon. We used our powers to bloom the most beautiful spring flowers together. The blooms lined the aisle we would walk down, and on the aisle there were pretty petals to walk on. The air surrounding the entire Venue smelled divine. Our guests began to arrive and I greeted them all. There were much more people for her...really as I looked at all the faces all the people were there for only guests were other professors I'd kind of befriended over the years. I didn't mind...I found solace in my craft, books, and my y/n.

      Before I knew it I was standing under the arch waiting for my bride...violins were was finally happening. my heart was racing.

     I looked up and saw her...y/n it was everyone else disappeared the moment our eyes connected. Locked on each other. I felt tears stinging the corners of my eyes and I couldn't hold them back. They spilled down my cheeks and I could see her crying too. "I love you darling" I sent those words to her through our bond and she smiled. My mate, my soon to be wife. How lucky I am...

Y/n vows -
Ever since I was a little girl I'd dreamed of getting married. Standing here in front of my
Mate today ... I've never been happier. I wanted to keep the traditional Irish vows as our ceremony vows. I'm glad I did.

"Dearest Severus, my mate, best friend, my love. I solemnly swear to be honest and true to you from now until the day I die..."

I took a deep breath..this was it.

"May you never steal, lie or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life. And if you must cheat, then please cheat death, because I couldn't live a day without you."

As I finished my vows I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I'd dreamt of saying those words for so long...I looked into my mates eyes and saw a tear fall from his eyes as he blinked and repeated the vows back to me.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!"

Severus swept me up into his arms and kissed me deeply. Through our bond I could sense what would come later tonight. I felt the power of our bond flowing between us. It was like electricity buzzing through every part of my body. My body was aching for him but we still had a long day ahead of us. I planned on having fun and then spending the next weeks and forever after in bed with him. The crowd cheered and stood as we kissed and then walked down the aisle holding hands. We made our way outside for photos.

Wedding part 1 - complete

(Thank you so much for your patience and continued support! My university load has been intense and will be for a while longer but this story isn't over yet! I'll be continuing to write it but it's won't be as often as I'd like! I love this story and am hoping to do another "bonded mate" series with other characters. Please leave me suggestions for the next character I should write about! 🤍)

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