Whispers in the Hallway

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Severus POV:

     Yesterday was likely one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I'd hoped to at least prepare myself for the truth to come out...and preferably after y/n has officially graduated. She was 18, so it wasn't illegal or anything but still I was bonded to someone who was still my student. I snuck out of our bedroom in the middle of the night and called all the professors and Albus to an emergency meeting. Fuck it was hard to admit what was going on...once I'd told them all it was a starlight bond things changed. I told them I had known about it since the beginning of the school year and had tried very hard to keep it down....I really had fought it off at least for a while, but they all knew what ancient magic fuelled the bond. Keeping it at bay for the month and a half I had was nearly impossible. Dumbledore said he'd talk to each house about what this bond was, and the first week may be awkward but the initial shock and gossip would fizzle out, and be replaced by the next big thing. These profoessors were the closest things I had to friends..and they each congratulated me and gave me an encouraging Pat on the back after that awkward meeting. It was a starlight bond...more powerful than any other type of bond...it was deeply respected in our world, they were so rare. We talked about damage control and how to best go about the rest of the year. Dumbledore decided one of Thebes courses of action would be to hold a mating ceremony/wedding and invite alumni and current students and powerful witches and wizards. Turn it into something positive...who doesn't love a good love story..I had to agree...it was the best thing to do to minimize damage to the schools reputation. Put the powerful most ancient magic on display..impress the world..this was my nightmare..but I'm glad it was over, and I had some backup to support me. Now I had to face the rest of the student body...her parents...the whole wizarding community bloody hell.

      She was still fast asleep when I returned and I sat next to her brushing her temple with my thumb. I pulled out my wand and waved it gently, "sweet dreams my love." I said and tapped her temple gently. I watched the good dreams fill her mind, and she sighed contentedly. I'd tell her about this kind of resolved but also annoying mess that was the best apparent PR solution to our problem.

     I wouldn't sleep all night...too busy thinking about what was to come. I had already picked out a ring for her a few weeks ago, the week after the attack. I had seen it in the same shop I'd gotten her necklace and I knew it was the one. At some point in all my worry I dozed off, thankfully the sleep was dreamless.

Y/n pov:

       Severus was already gone when I woke up the next morning. I'd had a good sleep filled with beautiful dreams, but his presence was not beside me all night. I could feel his worry all evening yesterday, and it pained me to know I couldn't take it away. Everything would be alright...I'd sent a letter to my family when we got back from the village. Best they hear this from me than someone else. I hoped they knew what a starlight mate was...they had to know...the letter was long, and I just hoped they'd accept this. I loved my family dearly...we were so close it had been hard keeping this from them for two months. In some ways I was glad this was over.

     The whispering started as soon as I walked into the Ravenclaw common room. I'd gotten ready there today...obviously I ignored and glared at my roommates...assholes set me up yesterday. They glared back at me and whispered all I could pick up was "whore, and slut.." that's nice...I ignored them and continued down to the great hall for breakfast. The whispering only got worse. I was glared at, laughed at, obviously pointed at. Okay...this was getting ridiculous...normally I could let things go, but this hurt a bit...we had a starlight bond...it was special, our connection was forced upon us by an ancient power why couldn't they understand...I grabbed a danish and walked out of the hall with my head down. I hoped Severus hadn't seen me come in..I didn't want him to follow me and cause more whispers and the words "Snapes whore.." between coughs.

  I ran up to the astronomy tower and curled up against the balcony. Then I started to cry, and I mean really cry it out. My body shook and tears flowed freely down my face. I didn't care that I was missing charms class. Let them talk freely about me there..not whispered behind my back. This was a nightmare.

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