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Y/n pov:

I put on an emerald green bikini set that I hoped Severus would love. I also hoped I wouldn't last long in it before he ripped it off and took me in the hot springs. I twisted my hair into a knot and clipped it back leaving a few strands hanging down on the sides of my face. I felt confident, and prepared to confront my fate tonight. I threw on my robes, and snuck down from Ravenclaw tower to an exit leading towards the black lake. The clouds were overcast that night, and it was quite dark. I was slightly nervous rounding the dark corners along the edges of the castle. My abilities as a witch were strong, but who knew what lay dormant in those woods, and the lake. Maybe meeting in the dead of night between the two most dangerous places at Hogwarts wasn't my most thought through plan. Still Severus was going to be meeting me, and I knew I'd be safe at his side.

I could see the hot pools in the distance and as I got closer and closer I beamed realizing he'd beat me there. Still clothed in all black (no surprise there) he held dried flowers in his hand and sat at the edge of the steaming water pools. The corners of his mouth moved up ever so slightly when he saw me getting closer and closer to him. My heart fluttered at the sight of him, "you came!" I exclaimed triumphantly.

Snapes POV:

"Well miss.y/n I don't think I had much choice in the matter. A student is out of bed and sneaking to the edge of the black lake...I couldn't let you go unchaperoned" even I was surprised at the nature of my comment. Not often did I use my sense of humour, but y/n brought something out in me that I didn't think anyone could.

"Listen...we have several things to discuss and I need you to listen to everything I say." I looked into her shining emerald eyes, and waited for a response.

"Say whatever you need to say professor." She responded "but can't we get into this water first? I'm froze" she slipped out of her robes and exposed the gorgeous emerald bikini underneath. Looking at her almost made me groan with satisfaction. "Come on professor" she looked at him with a smirk and submerged herself so it was just her shoulders and head above the water. "Get in and I'm all ears."

"Alright" I shrugged and stripped down to my black swimming shorts. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this" I said and shook my head as I submerged. "Please come closer, I really must tell you something. No more teasing it's extremely important." I knew I had to say something along those lines before she tore off my bathing suit and I forgot the entire reason I showed up here tonight. Once she was positioned in front of me, and I was satisfied she was listening I began to speak. "Y/n I believe we might be bonded in a way that is extremely rare and precious in this world. Every time I look into your eyes I see a glimmer, and I think you've noticed that when you look into mine too?" She nods her head in response. "If we were to accept this Starlight bond it would mate us for life. I'd be fiercely protective of you, and you me. Being separated for too long would bring us pain. Once accepted the first period of time as a bonded pair would be magical. We would feel stronger than ever before, and have intense sexual energy." She smirked at the last part and put her hands on my chest. I had to take a deep breath to recollect myself and spoke again. "We would be able to heal each other, know when the other is in pain, and at the end of our lives we would die together. This is not something to be taken lightly. The bond is rare in this world and therefore respected, but in the ways we make each other stronger we also reveal our biggest weakness to enemies. Our position at Hogwarts would also raise questions I'm parent wants to hear their child has been bonded to a seems like a cruel situation. You're so special y/n I don't want to take your youth from you...I don't want to hinder your single experience or whatever your generation would refer to this time in your life as..." I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. Keeping myself away is exhausting. I just want her..."I need you to think about this...I can't lie. I want this, but the bond won't snap in place until we have both accepted it fully. This magic is ancient and carnal and strong...I feel the pull towards you. Can you feel it too?" I look at her. Waiting patiently to hear her response.

Y/n pov:

Holy fuck...this makes so much sense, and it scares me in a way. He was right, the pull towards him has been getting stronger and stronger. This bond sounds like a gift, but it could change the direction of my life completely. Well...wait I knew I wanted to work with plants and art...and I hadn't really thought about my future much. That's all I knew and the rest was a mystery to me. Why couldn't I accept this powerful thing, and face all challenges of life with a bonded mate. I couldn't wait to dive into a book about starlight bonds the moment I got to the library. This was fascinating, and I just knew I was in the right place. With Severus...and a whole new world of possibilities. I looked at him and when our eyes connected I felt that string of starlight crawling towards his ready to knit together. "I want this. The only thing I know is that I want this." This was insanity..Severus Snape the teacher who made most students want to hide under their desks was my mate. "I accept you Severus Snape" my cheeks turned red. That was the first time I'd used his first name. He grinned put his forehead against mine, and closed his eyes. "I accept you y/n, and I will be good to you. Forever."

Both POV

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Both POV

*snap* that string of starlight in a dimension we couldn't see had finally connected. They were in a world entirely of their own and the only thing that existed was each other. Their lips crashed together and a wave of euphoria stronger than any other enveloped their entire beings. They were bonded for life. Two burning stars growing, living, and loving each other from now until forever. They could have tried to fight this bond, hold off until they believed the time was right, but they had no true control over this love. The magic was ancient, and nobody can control the power of starlight.

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now