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Y/n pov:

          The next week was pretty hellish for me...nobody said anything to me that wasn't some form of slut shaming insult. I was beloved before this...people would come to me for everything...I am captain of my quidditch team, Ravenclaws head girl...quidditch practice had gone horribly, I'd been targeted by my own fucking beaters and suffered bruised ribs, and a black eye because it escalated into a psychical fight. Why the fuck were my peers so pressed about this.

       This was absolutely ridiculous, but then I found out the truth of what was going on. Joel had been spreading rumours about me. The fucking asshole was telling everyone I was lying to Severus, fucking him to get 100% in potions and at the same time had been lying to Joel. He said we had been dating for six months and I was sleeping with Severus the whole time. Everyone believed him even after Dumbledore went around explaining what a starlight bond was. It was embarrassing enough to have the headmaster have to go give a presentation about your someone was coming after my character completely.

      It all came to a head in the Great Hall on Saturday morning. I walked in planning to confront Joel about the whole thing. I couldn't handle another second of this torment and I was too powerful a person to let someone tarnish my reputation so was all a lie. I walked up to joel and grabbed him by the collar and yanked him up from where he was seated at Ravenclaw table. Everyone turned to see what the commotion was including the teachers.

      "Joel, I know you've been spreading lies about need to tell everyone the truth because you're causing damage to my name that might be permanent and I refuse to let that happen. If you have a single ounce of integrity and respect left in your body you will come clean...and if you refuse then I challenge you to a duel...tonight." Everyone gasped and started whispering, and then the great hall went silent waiting to hear what he had to say.

       He smirked and shoved me away from him, I toppled backwards but regained my feet before I fell down. "You're on y/n. Im not a liar." My blood was boiling with rage, "if you lose this duel Joel you have to take Viritaserum  in front of everyone in Ravenclaw tower." I clenched my fists trying to keep my rage down.

      "Fine, and if you lose you can never ask me to do that again..." I nodded and walked out of the great hall before it erupted in chatter about the duel that was happening that afternoon. I wasn't worried, Joel is a fucking idiot...we had been dueling each other since first year. I couldn't believe he even agreed to it...I guess he was desperate to keep the truth hidden. That's why I knew that I had to challenge him in a public setting....he had no choice. He either had to accept the duel or fess up immediately. I'm ravenclaws head girl for a reason...I'm brilliant.

  Severus POV:

        My mate had been through hell the past week...I began to hear the rumours surrounding our relationship in the halls. It was all anyone could talk about.. when y/n burst through the doorway of the great hall this morning I was completely taken aback. She hadn't told me anything about this plan of hers...she knew I couldn't know anything about it before in case things escalated and I was questioned to see if I had anything to do with it. She was bloody brilliant...the plan was perfect. Her reputation would be restored and life here would be tolerable once again. The only time she had been happy here was when she was in my arms or when we were ravishing each others bodies. Still I'd felt her despair for the past week, and despite my best efforts to cheer her up she'd been far off. I felt her distance even through our bond. She's been so focused on finding a way to put an end to the name calling, and whispering..she'd done it, and I could feel her strength on the other side of that invisible string. I beamed with pride as I watched her walk out of the hall. Brilliant...

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now