First Moments

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Snape pov:

     The feeling was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. When that bond snapped in place my world stopped, shifted, and began to revolve around her. The kiss between us was so powerful I swear we were glowing with magic and energy. The warm pool we were in illuminated and all the sounds surrounding us went silent. My senses were heightened, and I was hyper aware of her scent. She smelled good I never wanted to stop smelling her. "Oh y/n...I can't believe this feeling." I pulled away only to reattach my lips to her neck and collarbone. My cock was rock hard and pressing into her hip. My hands ventured lower and lower until they trailed along her waist, and came up to squeeze her firm round breasts. She gasped at my touch and I just kept exploring.

Y/n pov:

This was heaven, being in his arms I've never felt more safe, I radiated with happiness. I had never felt more beautiful.

"You're everything, you're my everything oh bloody fucking hell." He whispered into my neck as he kissed me and the deep vibrations from his voice against my throat made me moan. I could feel his member pressing hard against my hip and I knew I needed him. My entrance was slick and ready for him.

"Please Severus, I need you now." I grabbed his hand and interlaced our fingers together. "I'm ready. I just need you inside me if you don't fuck me now I might explode" I pulled my swimsuit bottoms to the side and started to rub myself the anticipation was getting to be too much. He grabbed my hand and replaced it with his own.

" let me do this y/n." He said pulling away from my neck to watch my face as he rubbed my clit in tight circles. I moaned and bucked my hips towards him.


"Be patient dearest." He pulled me so I was sitting on his lap and he reached around to pleasure me. I moaned and spread my legs further apart. I pulled my top off so my tits were revealed to the night air. They poked up above the water and the cool water and pleasure hardened them instantly. With the hand he wasn't pleasuring me with he reached up and pinched a nipple rolling it around in his strong fingers.

"Ahhh, oh. Oh fuck. Severus." I choked out my words as I moaned and opened my legs wider moving my hips trying to get him to go faster. "Please I need you inside me." I moaned and tilted my head back so it was laying on his shoulder.

"I need you too. Turn around y/n." He instructed me and I happily obliged. I turned around to face him and kicked my panties off before straddling his waist. He grabbed his wand and did a quick spell to prevent pregnancy. Then he positioned himself at my entrance and slowly began to slide inside. "Fuck" he groaned as he felt himself stretching out my tight entrance. "Y/n...I'm not hurting you am I?" He asked looking at my face to see my reaction.

"It feels good, just keep going." He was big...very big and it would take a moment to adjust. Try e pain was nothing compared to the utter bliss of this moment. With one last push he fully submerged himself inside of me. Once he got to the hilt of his cock he moaned and threw his head back.

"Fuck!" He gritted his teeth and squeezed my hips. One word to describe our first time together would be euphoria. Every single thrust after that made me see stars. He bucked his hips up into me as I rode him, meeting every thrust with a movement of my own. We were perfectly in sync, and I couldn't do anything but curse and moan my mates name over and over again. This was my mate, we were going to be together forever, and he'd protect me with all of his power. 

Snapes POV:

     Never in all my life had I had sex with a partner who was this in sync with me. Our movements complimented each other perfectly, it was like we had been fucking for years. Knew every detail about each others bodies, knew how to make the other see stars. "Y/n I'm getting close." I moaned against her ear as she rode my cock relentlessly. Sweat dripped down her chest as she bucked her hips up and down, up and down. She needed something more to put her over the edge. I could feel her walls tightening around me, and I knew she would cum at any moment I just needed to do something to tip her over the edge. So I moved my fingers down to her clit and started rubbing, I rubbed faster and faster watching her face contort into pure bliss.

"Severus! I'm gonna..I'm gonna cum!" She screamed and bucked one last time before she went slack on top of me, crashing her lips to mine as she rode out her orgasm. This sent me tipping over the edge and I spilled my seed deep inside of her. Moaning her name into her mouth as I experienced the most mind blowing orgasm of my life.

"Bloody fucking hell..." I kissed her sweaty forehead and held her close to me. Still joined together we sat for a few moments kissing and touching each other as we came down from the first high of this newly made bond.

"That was amazing Severus...let's do it again." She kissed my brow and snuggled into my chest.

"Okay dearest, we can do it again, but let us move into the castle. It's nearly three in the morning now." I said looking at the moon that had begun to peak out from behind the overcast sky.'s a full moon tonight? I should have known that...I'd been harvesting wolfsbane early that morning. The excitement of this day had overshadowed all reasonable thoughts. "Let's get going now alright y/n." She groaned in protest and snuggled up closer to me. I didn't want to raise any concerns so I just gently lifted her up out of the water with me, forgetting about our discarded bathing suits. I set her down gently and we pulled our robes back on. Then we clasped hands and started walking back to the castle hand in hand.

"Wait! I forgot my bathing suit I'll be right back." She turned and ran towards the pools.

"Y/N! Wait for me, I'm not letting you go back alone!" I started walking back to the pools but all of a sudden a werewolf emerged from the forbidden forest and before I could react it had lifted and pinned my mate against a tree. I heard a snap, smelled blood, and she screamed for me. All I saw was red.

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now