What to do

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Severus POV:

       Bloody hell, what the fuck have I done? Interfering with a student caught wanking in my study. I should have punished her as soon as I found her, but I couldn't. I couldn't give in to her flirtations and forward advances. She was my student for fucks sake, and I needed the trust of the headmaster. Still I can't stop thinking about her squirming in that chair, and dripping down onto the floor. I went to retrieve the vial of wolfsbane from my desk immediately after she left, and had to throw it to the ground to keep myself from putting it in my mouth. She must have sprayed some of her perfume on my chair because the scent filled my nostrils and made me weak in the knees. I used my wand to clean up the mess quickly and rushed off to scowl at the next set of students walking into my classroom.

      Concentrating was difficult in the next few classes. Every time I saw a vial I pictured y/n and had to turn around to recollect myself. I couldn't have a bulge while I taught a fucking class. What was she doing to me....why was she doing this to me. Teasing a teacher who hasn't given her even the slightest interest that way. It was bizarre. I will run a hot bath tonight, drink a sleeping potion, and try to sleep off these feelings I felt growing in my gut.

Y/n pov

        The vial grew, and someone had to have done it. It certainly was not me. I couldn't stop thinking about how it happened all through my next classes. Even in Magical Art, Professor Snapes influence was coming out on my canvas. Velvety greens, and Deep dark colours meshed together to create a dark fantastical landscape scene of the black lake, and the hot pools that bordered on the forbidden forest. I dreamt of going there late at night with a certain professor. My art teacher was impressed and told me she would put it up in the hall as a showcase piece. I was pleased, but my head was still up in the clouds.

       I was going to move my little act from the lab to his classroom desk tonight

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       I was going to move my little act from the lab to his classroom desk tonight. There was a window from his private chambers with a view to the potions classroom, so if he looked out when I was there he'd see me. Maybe he'd come down and take me to his chambers. I could only dream of what we'd get up to in there. What did his chambers even look like? Maybe they would show the real him behind his mysterious facade, through that window to his chambers I could see drying herbs and flowers hanging from the ceiling, it was beautiful. I can't help but wonder if he was soft under the surface. There had to be some warmth hidden behind that smirk. I could see it in the corners of his mouth, the inflection of his voice when he spoke about magic, when he prepared beautiful herbs and flowers to be dried, and the way he prepared potions with such care and dedication. His hands were beautiful, scarred but beautiful. I could see the warmth every time our eyes met and I swear there was a sparkle in them. There was electricity between us, it was undeniable.

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