Do you Feel This?

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Y/n pov:

Severus beat me back to our chambers and when I arrived was in a frenzy putting together a calming tea. I'd brought him a bag of freshly picked herbs, and a few little berries that were special because they only grew at very specific times of the day, and if you didn't get them at the exact moment they blossomed they'd fall to the ground and puff into smoke. Before I got to show him my gifts he rushed over with a cup of tea and told me to sit down. Obviously I was freaked out because it was so out of character, and as soon as I had my first sip of tea he told me absolutely everything he'd found out. My hand went to my silver streak of hair instinctively when he told me about it being harvested for its magical abilities. I was also really interested in the history of the bond, and how much power we still had to unlock.

I crawled onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. I took a deep breath and it prompted him to take one too. He was so worried, but I didn't know why.

"What's worrying you Severus..? That ancient wizard is gone...nobody is going to hurt us...we won't let that happen. I'll protect you." I kissed his neck and shifted myself so I was straddling his waist,and kept gently kissing his neck. He felt so tense..."all of those books in the restricted section...let's steal them and keep them here. Keep them from other people so less people know...does that make you feel better?" He sighed and I felt him start to relax. I ran my fingers up and down his waist and I knew he was growing hard in his trousers.

"Yes darling...we will keep each other safe...I know but so far I've done a pretty awful job at keeping you've been hurt too much on my watch. I can't let anything bad happen to you. Other people can't know about how powerful this bond truly is...some do...but if this knowledge got into the wrong persons hands it could be very dangerous..I don't like that thought one understand?" He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a loving squeeze. I nodded and kept kissing his neck.

"That makes's not too long since you know who disappeared. Sometimes I forget about the evil in the world...I won't tell anyone, and I won't show off my new abilities either..I haven't really even discovered any new ones..." I started to nibble on a spot I hoped would make him snap into sex mode..I knew how to push his buttons now. He moaned and I felt something shift. His worry began to fade and it was replaced by that fog we fell into when it was time for sex. "When you were telling me about our new powers and how strong that connection really is between us it gave me an idea...I want you to experience what I feel when I cum.." I pulled away and sat in the plush chair across from him and began to get undressed. He gulped, and I knew I had him.

Severus POV:

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Severus POV:

Fuck she had me wrapped around her finger, as soon as she started to kiss my neck I was done for. My worries slowly dissolved, and all I could feel was a need for her. To please her, make her cry out with pleasure. She had some plan to experiment with our bond and I was more than happy to try it out. She stripped all of her clothing off in the chair directly in front of me so I had the most delicious view of her body.

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