Clear Glass Windows

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Y/n pov:

The next three weeks were much easier when I knew I'd be seeing Severus at the end of the day. I was practically living full time at his apartment, and we were getting especially good at sneaking around. My roommates still wanted to know who this secret man I was sleeping with was, but I didn't say much else other than the sex was mind blowing, and I love him..they were surprised at how quickly I said the L word, and sadly I couldn't explain the extent of our mating bond.

It was Friday now, and I was lounging on his plush couch as he brewed us a warming tea. The weather was growing colder, and it was especially cold in my walk to his chambers. I watched his pretty face as he concentrated as he dropped the contraceptive potion into both our tea cups. I smirked, that meant he had something planned for me later tonight. I'd pretend like I didn't see him do it. "Darling I'm going to Hogsmead with my friends this weekend...are you staying around the castle?" I asked him as he rejoined me in the cushions. I sipped the hot tea that he had given me carefully so I didn't burn my tongue.

"'re leaving the castle. Well that's alright maybe I will chaperone.." he shrugged and let go of his tea cup which stayed floating in the place he'd let it go. Enchanted tea cups were so handy. I knew he wasn't a fan of taking students to town, actually I knew he detested it.

"Severus..there's really no need if you don't want to. I know you don't like it, and I won't be gone long. I still have to appease my friends every once in a while. I've been your pretty little plaything every night this week, and believe me there's nothing I love more...this is still a secret." I sighed and took another drink of tea. Was this mean...I don't think it was but it hurt me to tell him to stay all the same.

"I just worry about you y/n....after the werewolf attack I swore I'd never let anything happen to you again.." he reached over and gently cupped my cheek with his hand. "But you're have a life and I have a life outside of this partnership, and we have to learn to be apart occasionally..."

Severus POV:

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Severus POV:

The past month had been like a living mate was everything to me, and the thought of even letting her go miles away for a full day alone made me sick. The castle was much safer than the outside world. Ugh...that's not a healthy way of thinking though...I was so possessive of her sometimes I felt like a bloody feral animal. I had to let her go with her friends, and maybe I wouldn't chaperone...actually who are we kidding I was going to go regardless.

"You'll have a good time in Hogsmead, maybe I'll just go do some shopping. Do you need anything?" I began a list with my enchanted quill.

"Whatever you want my love." She replied not looking up from her book. Y/n was deeply interested in learning my herbal remedies, she had a knack for Herbogy as well as potions. I was proud of her.

"It's getting late why don't we take things to the bedroom?" The thought of her laid out naked on my bed made my cock twitch and I had to walk into the kitchen to stop myself from pulling her robes off right there in the living area. That comment got her attention and she bookmarked her page and set it down on the coffee table.

"Hmmm or we could take it up against that window right there." She pointed to the large window in my living are that faced the black lake. "Come on, I want to look out at the world and press my tits up against the glass. It'll be fun." She batted those pretty eyelashes at me and I was undone. Of course I'd give into a request as sexy as that.

"Strip." I instructed and crossed my arms expectantly. Y/n quickly threw her clothes off until she was naked in front of me. I smirked and walked towards her, "face the window and press those pretty tits against the glass, is it cold?" I walked up behind her as I undid my belt, pulled my cock out and grabbed that pretty ass of hers. She squeaked and nodded.

"It's freezing...but I like it." She wiggled her ass back and pressed it in my throbbing member that was pressing against her. "Mmm you're so fucking big Severus." She was thinking such dirty thoughts and sending them along that always present connection between us. I smacked her ass hard when she sent me an image of her tied up, legs splayed in a sex swing.

"Naughty y/n we will have to live out that fantasy soon." I smacked her ass again and then entered her wetness thrusting up to the hilt in one stroke. "Take it." I growled and smacked her ass again. I felt so possessive of her after the conversation we had earlier. "You're all mine, and only mine, my cock is the only one that can fuck you this good." I began to thrust into her as she leaned up against the glass window. She moaned with each thrust, and the moans grew louder when I reached around the rub her clit. I rubbed in hard tight circles and could feel her already at the brink. I kept going "only I can make you cum like this." Y/n yelled my name against the glass window as she came hard. "I hope someone sees me fucking you, then they'd all know you're mine and only mine." I continued to thrust and she continued to moan and swear and agree with me.

"Yes Severus, I'm yours and only yours. You're my mate, and you're the only one who can make me cum like this." She panted and leaned her body weight against the glass. I don't know if anyone saw us, but I was beginning not to care. She is my mate and keeping it a secret was beginning to annoy me. She's mine. I furrowed my brows and really started to pump into her hard, I groaned and moaned her name as I Spurted my seed deep inside her womb. She's mine..all mine. "Oh Severus..fuck!"

"You love the feeling of me filling you up..don't you." I kissed the back of her neck and she nodded.

"I fucking love it Severus, and I loved that anyone could have seen you fucking me..that was hot." I pulled out of her and watched as fun dripped from that tight pink pussy. I quickly grabbed my wand and used a charm to pull the cum out of her. Unfortunately we weren't ready for kids...I couldn't wait to get her pregnant though..I'd probably become insufferable, protecting my pregnant mate...I was becoming no different than a bloody werewolf.

My Mate Severus (18+)Where stories live. Discover now