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Severus POV:

      I cannot lie, I was nervous to have y/n stay the night. This space had been mine and mine alone for so long...as I waited for her I decided to get my mind off things. I did what I do best, make a potion. We were going to need plenty more contraceptive potion, especially if she was going to be spending the night more often. Well honestly just anytime we could get our hands on each other. I gathered my things and got to work. Potion making was second nature to me, it was art, it was calming, and I thrived in front of the cauldron.

       She wasn't due to arrive for another hour or so

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       She wasn't due to arrive for another hour or so... I'd be able to get this potion brewing, get the fire place going, and set up a romantic little spot for us to lay in front of it. I surprised myself...I didn't really know this side of myself..the side that was so deeply in love I was planning picnics in my living room. I had loved Lily...I didn't think I'd ever feel this way again but this new love was so intense. It was different than before..I was different than before.

Y/n POV:

     I wonder if Severus was yearning for me as much as I for him. Waiting an hour past curfew..ugh. One thing I did know was that sneaking around would grow old quickly. The prefect baths were the perfect place to kill an hour while I waited. I jumped into the warm bubbly water and swam over to the soap dispensers and got my favourite shampoo to wash myself with. I ran my hands through my hair, over my body, lingering on my breasts and pinching where I imagined Severus would be kissing in an hour. Once I'd washed and conditioned my hair I was at a loss of what to do. "Severus..." I called out down that magical line in me. I was still getting used to the presence of that link..."yes darling.." I heard his low voice echoing back in my head. "Won't you come join me in this luxurious bath tub? Please Severus.." I looked at my naked body in the glass reflection and grabbed my breasts, pinching and twisting my nipples. I sent that image down the line and I could hear him sigh at the mental images. "You really know how to tease me y/n. I can't come down but I'll tell you what I want you to do, and you can show me through your eyes.." oooo I liked the sound of that...this power was cool.

   I closed my eyes and gave myself completely to him. I could hear him clearly in my mind as he instructed me towards the end of the baths. Fuck his voice was so incredibly sexy...he chuckled hearing my thoughts. "There is a jet, go to it and position yourself so it sprays on your clit." I obeyed him and moved to the jet. Why had I never done this before...the pressure was heavenly, my eyes rolled back and I moaned for him. "Open your eyes and let me see you in the reflection of that window." I obeyed. "If only you found see me dearest, I'm so hard, my cock is wet and throbbing for you..." I groaned hearing that. I wanted him so badly I felt I was already nearing my finish. "Hold on to that y/n you are not allowed to cum until I say you can." That would be torturous and I squeaked in protest pulling myself away from the pressure of the jet. "Uh uh uh...stay on that jet.." I groaned and moved back. My back arched and I looked into the window. "Good girl, I love watching you squirm. You'll be doing plenty of that tonight." He liked being in charge, that I know for sure. "Let me hear you, I want to know how good it feels.." my toes were curling under the water it was taking so much concentration not to cum.

   "Please Severus I can't hold on...I'm so close it feels so fucking good...fuck..please please!" My hips started bucking forward towards the heavenly water pressure.

  "I love hearing you beg..." he paused and I moaned again, cursing and begging him some more. "Okay y/n you can cum now." He finally said those words and my release came instantly. I collapsed against the cold tile, I shuddered and breathed heavily as I came down from that high. "Now get that wet pussy up here, I can't wait another moment." He growled and I thought I might cum again from the sound.

    "I'll only be a moment." I whispered and collected my things in a hurry.

Severus pov:

    Bloody hell that was hot...I read about this soul connection in a book today. We could see through each others eyes, speak down the line to each other, and feel dulled sensations of what the other was experiencing. I planned on mastering these gifts and that was a sexy first go..I knew she was about to cum because I felt it in my gut. It was enough to almost put me over the edge myself, but I wanted to wait. Cumming inside of her was much more satisfying than in my own hand. My quarters were looking better than they had in a while...I'd done a lot of prep work for her this afternoon...I wanted things to be perfect for her..

    I felt her drawing near and ran down the stairs to greet her. I swept her off her feet and carried her up the stairs to my chambers as she giggled in my arms. I set her down and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. "I love you y/n. You have free reign in this home. Make yourself  comfortable. I'm brewing us some tea." I showed her to the fire place where I'd set up some pillows and blankets for us to sit on. Candles were floating around the room. I thought it was quite beautiful..I hoped she did too.

Y/n pov:

   He had truly outdone himself...the set up was so romantic..I hung my bag on a hook near the door. I'd grab it later. Right now my attention went to Severus..he had done so much to make me feel special. It was my turn to make him moan. He returned swiftly with the tea and set it on the table beside our cute little set up.

   "You have truly made me feel so special today Severus...I love you so much.." I climbed into his lap and began to kiss him. I moved my lips from his lips, to his jaw, to his neck, and then I started to move down and down. I unbuckled his belt and pulled his cock out of his pants. "You make me feel so fucking good, so good all the time." I started to slide my hand up and down still looking up at him not breaking eye contact. He groaned "this place is so stunning, you're gonna fuck me here all night long?" I leaned down and took the tip of his cock in my mouth. "Mmmm." I moaned and began to take more and more in my mouth.

    "Yes, I fucking will...I'm gonna make you feel so so good.." he ran his hands through my hair and gently grabbed it by the roots and pulled. I loved how he took control. I bobbed my head up and down, using my tongue to swirl around the tip. "You're so good...fuck take more.." he groaned and I listened taking as much as I could before I gagged. "Good girl...fuck yes...yes.." he groaned and watched me as I worked on his cock. I loved the taste of him, he was so big, and I just wanted to make him feel good. I could feel the pressure building in him, "look up at me, I want to see your face as I fill your mouth up. You're gonna swallow it, take it like the good girl you are...fuck you're so sexy." I did as he instructed and he bucked his hips gently making me gag, but I took it and as he came I swallowed it all. The only remnants of his orgasm was the bit of cum that dripped down the side of my lips. "Fuck..y/n." He pulled me up so I was sitting in his lap, and wrapped me in a warm embrace. "You're staying with me from now on...this place feels so much warmer with you in it..this place could be a home for us..if you want." Severus kissed the side of my head, my neck. I loved leaning against his hard body.

   "Of course I want to stay here...I never want to leave your side. It's so warm, and safe, and happy in here with you...we could have a family one day. Wherever you go, I go." I whispered looking up at him. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

    We sat in silence for a while just enjoying each others presence. I drank the tea he had prepared. It was delicious, and I made him promise he'd make me more later. Of course he agreed, and kissed me. This kiss grew hot, heavy, and soon clothing was being discarded all across the room.

     "Bedroom now." He growled.

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