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Severus POV:

I hadn't told her about Dumbledores plan to have us wed in front of the school, I wanted this to be special. Between us two, and not something that we felt we had been forced into. I took a deep breath and just decided to speak form the heart...I hadn't

"Y/n...I love you so much my darling dearest've transformed me...we are connected by starlight..our souls are linked in ways we don't even fully understand yet, and I never want to be apart from you...I swear I will protect you, honour you, and love you fiercely until the day that I die. You mean more than have been through so much, and I'm so proud of you. I want the entire world to know that you're mine. I love the way you crinkle your nose when you are reading something interesting, how you stir your potions in class, how you giggle, how you look when you first wake up in the morning...I love everything about you because you are so un afraid to be yourself. Please dearest y/n will you marry me?" I took a deep breath and looked up into her eyes. I could have said a million more things I love about her, but I was anxious to hear her reply.

Y/n Pov:

Tears were flowing freely down my cheeks as he delivered his beautiful speech. I had no idea this was coming, and I basically tackled him as I shouted "yes! Yes I will marry you Severus!" He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss, then he took my hand and slid the gorgeous ring he'd chosen for me onto my ring finger. It was classic, an oval diamond with smaller diamond clustered beside the centre. The band was dainty and gold, and it shimmered with something different, something magical.

    "It's a Memory

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"It's a Memory..I placed a Memory of mine inside of this ring, you can replay it whenever you choose. It's an emotional memory, when you kiss the ring it makes you feel the joy and utter adoration I felt on the night our bond finally snapped into place...the feeling I experienced when I saw you walking towards me at those hot pools. Just waiting and loving you so incredibly much...the excitement I felt knowing we were soulmates, and soon you'd know too...fuck I love you y/n...I hope you feel that love every day.." He kissed the ring now on my finger and looked up into my eyes. I could see the emotion in his eyes and when I gently touched my lips to the ring I closed my eyes and sighed. My body felt so warm, I felt so perfectly happy, and hopeful. I saw flashes of the memory playing in my mind from that night, our first kiss...the sex in those hot pools....

I jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly against my body. I was so happy...I was going to be married. I had so much planning to do...I had to tell my parents, wow there were so many exciting times ahead, but Severus leaned his head down and began to kiss me and all of those thoughts went away. We had just gotten engaged, and now I just wanted to spend the rest of the night wrapped up in his arms, and in the warm bath we'd began. I stood up and pulled him up with me, we walked to the bath and I crawled into the warm water first. He'd stopped in the kitchen to grab a bag of herbs he always put in the bath. Good for skin and general health he'd told me. He took such good care of me...

Severus POV:

We laid in the tub just chatting and holding onto each other. We told each other about our families...hers sounded wonderful, much better than mine...I look forward to meeting them...proving to them that I was everything their daughter needed and that I'd take care of her. We talked about what she might do after school, and she told me about her artwork...her paintings. She's given me a beautiful sketch she did, and I made her promise to show me more of her work tomorrow. We still had so much to learn about each other...our souls felt like they'd known each other forever but in reality we had only had a month of this bond physically..we still had lots to navigate and discover and that thought was exciting.

Things got a little hot for a while and we sat across from one another in the tub. We watched as we each touched ourselves. I loved watching how she stroked herself, I made a bit of every little spot that illicited a moan from her lips. There was always ways to get better in bed, and I planned on improving every time I found myself between her legs. She rubbed in tight quick circles in the spot right above and slightly to the right of her clit. Note taken. She watched me stroke myself, up and down up and down. It wasn't as satisfying as when she did it, but there was something so vulnerable and sexy about watching each other pleasure ourselves. She threw her head back and rubbed faster and harder I matched her speed and we came together, I could feel the bond pulling us together like magnets and once I'd finished I pulled her to my chest and kissed her lips. The water was starting to get lukewarm, and that meant it was time to get out of our tub, and get some sleep.

We were an engaged couple now, I knew she'd be excited to start planning...I hope she wouldn't hate the hogwarts wedding...we will figure it out..we have so far. Fuck I love her so much...we washed ourselves clean, dried off, and went to bed. She fell asleep quickly in my arms, but I stayed up for awhile. Thinking, dreaming about things our future might bring. Shortly after though I fell asleep holding her, our breathing synched and I had a beautiful, dreamless sleep.

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