I'll Run You a Bath

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Y/n POV -

Severus walked towards the bathroom door and I smirked as I watched him walk away. His body was so sexy...that perfect round butt I wanted to bite it, smack it... I'd do it when he came back to bed, but he wasn't coming back to bed right away. He said he was getting a suprise ready for me. I heard running water and got excited. Five minutes later he came walking back in to the bedroom and swooped me up into his arms. I snuggled into his chest and kissed his neck softly. He grinned and turned into a stunning room full of greenery, magical water features, huge windows looking out at our stunning view, and a huge hot pool swirling and emitting the most beautiful scent. I breathed a deep breath of that delicious aroma and felt so relaxed, and truly happy. Severus set me down and I stepped into the hot pool, he followed me in, and pulled me into his arms. I sighed happily and let my head tilt ever so slightly so he could pepper it with little kisses and love bites. "Mmm" I moaned softly.

 "You know I filled this place full of beautiful rooms, stunning art, greenery

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"You know I filled this place full of beautiful rooms, stunning art, greenery...all the things you love. You also know that in each place I imagined how I'd fuck you there...you know how much I love making you cum with sex magic...water magic..." Severus whispered all the dirty things he'd do to me in this house. How he'd make me scream in pleasure anytime I asked, any where I asked. I gently thrusted my hips back into his cock, I felt it stiffen against my ass. Wordlessly he knew what I wanted and he grabbed my hips. I moaned as he lifted me up, and thrust up inside of me.

"Ah! Sev ..." his cock filled me up so good, pushed up against that fucking spot...the one that felt so good when he curled his fingers inside of me. He thrusted his hips up again and I threw legs wider adjusting slightly just making it feel even better. He grabbed his wand that was sitting on the ledge next to us, and with a slight flick a jet from the far side of the hot pool stretched to my clit and began to bubble against it. "More...harder please" I begged him to make it harder, and he obliged. He wasn't teasing me tonight.

"I want you to cum as many times as possible dearest." He continued to kiss my neck and thrust his cock in and out of me. His cock, the intense bubbling against my clit..it was so fucking good.

"Mmmmm, ooooohhhhh! Oohhhh! Mmm! Mmm! Severus! I'm gonna cum...I'm so close baby." I spread my legs wider and felt that pressure growing in my core. "Yes!!" My head flew back into his chest and I convulsed in genuine ecstasy as I had an intense orgasm. "Mmmmmm!!" The jet slowed its bubbling to provide some relief to my sensitive clit, but he kept thrusting in and out of me. His dick felt even better now than it did before. "Dont stop." I managed to get out between moans.

Severus POV -

Her pussy was so tight around my throbbing cock. When she came the first time I had to bite my lip to keep from filling her immediately. Her pussy squeezed so hard around me as she came. Fuck, I couldn't take it anymore I pulled out of her and lifted her up gently to the edge of the pool. I laid her back and spread her pussy lips with my hands, and then I began to absolutely devour her. Fuck she tasted so good. I stuck my tongue as deep as I could inside of her, "mmm" she was grabbing my hair and tugging on it. Her legs wrapped around my head, and pulled my face harder against her. I sucked her clit, and smirked against her as she came again yelling and moaning my name.

I pulled out and flipped her over onto her stomach then I took her from behind. I was losing control, groaning as I fucked her hard and fast. She was so fucking wet, so fucking wet...I reached around and started to rub her clit hard and fast as I found myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm.

"Fuck! Y/n, y/n....mmmm!" I came completely undone, my load filled her up completely and came spilling out dripping on the beautifully tiled floor. I pulled her back onto my lap and kissed her passionately. "This is just the beginning dearest."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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