Never the same

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TW: Homophobic slurs
El and Max have been best friends for around 2 years now. They're both 14 and have
sleepovers every Saturday. El and Mike broke up a couple months ago after Mike realised he loved Will, it was a healthy breakup and Mike wished El the best in finding a new love as well.

It's taken a while, but now El has found a new love. Max. Yep, her best friend. She's never felt love as strong as this, and she's finally gathered the courage to do something about it. Here's the problem though, she doesn't know how to tell her. Maybe she can ask Robin. So that's exactly what she did.

After showering and putting on casual clothes, she walked outside her cabin and into family video. Robin and Steve were both behind the counter, so El went up to them.

Robin noticed her first, "Oh hey El! What's up?" She asked.
El opened her mouth but hesitated. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.
"El? What's on your mind?" She asked again, "I'm not gonna judge or anything."
"I love Max." She blurted, "And I don't know how to tell her."

Her cheeks turned red as Robin froze with her mouth open and when Steve dropped the tapes in shock. "Oh my god!" Robin squealed, "Another baby gay!" She hugged El tight over the counter.

"Um, Robin?" El asked when Robin began suffocating her.
She pulled away, "Right, sorry. Anyway! When did you find out?"
"Only recently. But I've always felt nervous around her, and I feel the safest when she stays over." El answered.
"Awwww! Alright, I've got some ideas for you. You can tell her straight up, well we're not straight but you know what I mean." They both giggled. "Or you can plan something romantic."

"How did you ask Nancy out?" El asked.
"I planned a picnic at Lover's Lake. It took a while but I think I did a good job." Robin patted her back and El smiled.
"Do you think I should plan something like that?" She asked.
"Honestly, no. I was stressing about the tiny things that could go wrong, plus also the mission of keeping it a secret. You and Max are best friends so it'd be difficult to hide it." Robin advised.

"So... I should just tell her?" El wondered.
"It's gonna be the easiest, and once you've confessed it's like a weight has left your shoulders. Plus, who wouldn't love someone as cool as you?" She smiled at El.
"Thanks Robin, you're the best! I'll tell you how it goes okay?"
"Definitely! Go get your girl El!" Robin cheered.

El smiled, feeling a new sense of confidence within her. She walked quickly to Max's house and knocked on the door. Max opened it in a couple seconds and smiled widely as she saw El. "Hey El! Come in." She moved to the side so she could walk in.
"Thanks. Are you home alone?" El asked as Max shut the door behind them.
"Yep! Everyone won't be back till the evening. Wanna hang out?"
"Actually, I wanted to tell you something." El said.
"Go for it." Max smiled.

"Max, we've been friends for 2 years right?" El began.
"Yeah?" Max questioned.
"Well, after all the time I've spent with you, the mall trips, the sleepovers, I've realised something."
"What is it?" She asked.
"I... I love you." El said, holding her breath.

Her heart fell into her stomach as she saw Max's face fall. "...what?" Max asked.
"I love you." El smiled, trying to ignore the feeling of dread in her chest.
"You're a fucking dyke?!" Max raised her voice.
"What's a dyke?" El asked quietly, now feeling slightly frightened of the person who made her feel so safe before.
"A lesbian! You like girls?!" Max stepped closer to El, and El took a step back.
"Um I like you, does that count?" El asked innocently.

"You're disgusting!" Max shouted.
El flinched and widened her eyes. "Why?" She asked.
"Coz you're a fag! People like you deserve to die!" Max said, getting angrier by the second.
"D-die?" El asked, regretting everything in that moment.
"You heard me! I've been hanging out with a gay this whole time!" Max scoffed.
"I'm sorry." El said, tears entering her eyes. This isn't going anything like she imagined.

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