Enemies to lovers

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El's POV:
Max and I walked down the street, heading towards the skatepark. Technically we're supposed to be in school, but she convinced me this would be much more fun.

She's riding her board slowly alongside me, making sure to keep at the same pace.

"I feel- it's kinda weird. But I feel like I've known you my whole life." I said as I saw the park in the distance.
She looked up at me and gave me a small smile, "You know what? I feel the same way."
"Do you think we were close in a past life or something?" I asked, remembering what she was telling me at our sleepover last night. About how we might've had past lives and just forgotten them.

"We were definitely best friends. Or maybe we might've been married for like... 15 years." She suggested, her smile growing.
"Married?" I giggled, "We might've been arch nemesis' instead."
"Oh, that one thing that always happens in books where you don't know if you feel hatred or love for me?"

I laughed, "Ever since Will gave you that one story, why has everything been enemies to lovers to you?"
"First of all." She said, matter of factly, "That book was amazing. Second of all, everything would be better if it was enemies to lovers, I'd prefer it actually."

"Maybe I should become your enemy in this life." I joked.
"Well that just means you want to be my lover." She reminded me, a smug grin on her face as she swerved around the rocks.
"Woah, don't spoil the ending." I said, kicking some of the rocks out of the way before she got to them. "Let's just hate each other as vehemently as possible."

"Okay." She shrugged, "I hate how tall you are." She said, looking back up at me.
"I hate how short you are." I smiled.
"...that was personal. I'm not even that short!" She exclaimed.
"Fine then." I said, crossing my arms as I thought of something to say. "I hate how defensive you are about your height."

She scoffed, "I hate the way you hate me."
"Really? Well I think I hate pretty reasonably."

"You're just listing things that you could potentially end up loving about me."
"Isn't that the point of enemies to lovers?" I asked.
"Yeah, if the enemies are really just two people who get annoyed by each other."
"And what's wrong with that?"
"It's so boring that way. You should be my mortal enemy." She nodded, proud of her conclusion.

"Oh yes, your mortal enemy." I mocked. "What, you want me to do something absolutely unforgivable?"
"Sure. Maybe a backstory like how you ripped the head off of Teddy, AKA, my favourite stuffed animal."
"First of all, that was an acciden-"

"And you never apologised, because the next second I knocked you out cold."
"Yeah right. As if you'd even be able to land a punch." I teased.
"Hey, back to the teddy!" She said, clicking her fingers.
"That's pretty unforgivable." I nodded, playing along.
"And I never plan on forgiving you. I actually try to get close to you so I could find something to ruin."

"Okay..." I said, pretending to be creeped out. "But then, you end up finding out how much of a caring person I actually am. Which means you can't even bring yourself to hurting me."
"How humble." She joked, "When I'm one second away from ruining your life, you confess to me."

"That seems like something I'd do." I agreed as we arrived at the skatepark.
She ran up the ramp and sat atop it as I did the same. "And overwhelmed with my hatred and love for you, we end up entering a relationship... but it was all fake as I only wanted to get you attached before breaking you."

"...ouch." I replied, pretending to be hurt. "Dating someone just to hurt them is evil Max. Didn't know you had it in you."
"I'd do it. For the plot of course." She quickly added.

She nudged me, "I wouldn't actually hurt someone like that El! Unless you're kinky like that."
"WOAH!" I said, pushing her away.

She laughed and sat up straight again, rolling her board towards me carefully.

"And then what?" I urged her to carry one, by now I was kinda intrigued with this story.
She thought for a moment, "You keep telling me things that I could use against you, so I remember every detail you tell me."
"Oh." I said, catching on. "So you start using the details you remember to make me happy."
"Exactly. Then I realise that making you happy makes me happy and I forget my whole goal from the beginning."

"You seem like you've planned this your entire life." I smiled, flipping the board over to see the 'M + E' drawn with sharpie at the along with random other doodles, some meaningful, some not. All the party contributed in some way, I guess that's why Max cherishes her board so much.

"...maybe." She said, her head resting on her palms as she looked at me.
I looked away from the board and at her instead, "I won't bring up past lives again, or you might go on about fake dating this time."
"I'm not some bookworm!" She said, shoving me by the shoulder playfully. "And, that's a good way to also become my enemy."

"Bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" I teased, noticing I saw the blush colouring her cheeks. "Awwh, did I make you blush?" I giggled.
"Keep telling yourself that Ellie." She answered sarcastically, flipping the board over and pushing it into my arms. "Anyway, enough talking, more skating."

"Wait- what?" I asked as she made me stand up and lifted me onto the board. "Not me!"
"It's not that difficult." She said, steadying the board with her feet before looking up at me.

"I thought I was gonna watch you skate!" I exclaimed, holding onto her shoulder tight as I felt the board move from under me.
"Eh, you've seen that enough times. I'm gonna teach you instead." She said, putting her hands on my waist as she slowly pushed me towards the edge of the small ramp.
"Woah, this wasn't part of the dea-"
"Good luck!" She shouted, pushing the board down over the edge, taking me down with it.

"Max!" I screamed as the board suddenly went up the other side, but as this was my first time ever on a skateboard, I ended up flipping upside down and landing on the ramp, the board missing me by a few inches. "Ow!"
"Oh shit." She said, sliding down on her feet before rushing to me as I clutched my arm with my hand. "Are you alright?"

"I just got pushed down a fucking ramp!" I exclaimed.
She chuckled and held my arm in her hand, slowly lifting it up while looking at me expressions. "See, it's not broken! Let's go again!" Max said, already getting up.
"What?! No!"

Oneshots: Elmax / SillieWhere stories live. Discover now