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Max's POV:
Right now I'm in school, and apparently the school's trying to 'expand' our minds. So instead of double maths, we're gonna spend the next 2 hours doing baking instead.

"Okay students! Everyone get into pairs and we'll head into the food tech room." Mr Gareth said. I looked at El who was already looking at me. I nodded and she smiled. Everyone found their partners and we stood up, leaving the classroom.

"This is gonna be so easy." I said, catching up to El.
"I know. I wonder what we're making though."
"Probably cookies or something." I held her hand as we left the classroom, "Sleepover after school?"
She smiled, "Of course. Mine or yours?"
"I don't mind, Billy's probably gonna bring a girl home though."
El's eyes widened, remembering what we heard last time Billy brought a girl home. "Mine then. Hopper's staying at Will's tonight so we'll be home alone."
"Home alone huh?" I teased.
She blushed and I laughed, "Shut up." She giggled.

We made it to the food tech room, and El and I managed to get one of the biggest counters there. "Okay class. I've picked for us to make cupcakes today." We all cheered. "Banana cupcakes." He added.

Ew, I hate bananas. "What the fuck happened to normal cupcakes?" I said quietly so only El could hear me. She giggled.
"But that's not all!" He said dramatically, "One of you will be deaf, and the other blind."
"What?!" Lucas asked, he was paired with Dustin.
"How can we suddenly be deaf and blind?" Mike asked as Will agreed from beside him.

"Settle down class. One of you will wear a blindfold, and one will wear these special soundproof headphones." He held them up.
I groaned, both those options are shit. "Everyone come up here to get one of each." I looked at El, "Which do you wanna be?" I asked her.
"Uhhh... blind." She answered.
"Okay, I'll be deaf then."
"You already are." I hit the side of her head playfully and she laughed.

I got the headphones and the blindfold, and brought them back to the table. "Anyone with hair longer than their jawline, tie it up!" Mr Gareth said.
"Jawline?" I asked, "This guy gets more weirder everyday. Want me to tie your hair up?" I asked El. Her hair is up to her shoulders now, it's growing fast.
"Yes please." I smiled and she turned around, so I got my green scrunchie off my wrist and put her hair into a half ponytail. I then tied my hair up too with another scrunchie.
"Okay, people with blindfolds, put them on first." The teacher said.

I grabbed the blindfold and tied it around her eyes. "Can you see?" I asked.
"No. I'm gonna fall so many times." I chuckled and kissed her temple. I then grabbed her shoulders and turned her around so she was facing me.
"And people without the blindfold, come get the equipment and ingredients. Once they're back at your stations, put on your headphones. Any cheating will result in 20% being taken off your grades."

Fucking hell.

I got the things, and brought them back to the desk. "Once your headphones are on, you may begin! The instructions are on your desk. You have until 12:45!"
I looked at the clock, just under 2 hours. Simple enough. El 'looked' at me and I put the headphones on. Immediately all the noise disappeared.

"I can't hear shit!" I said, surprised they actually worked. El laughed and put her hands on the table, feeling around. I grabbed the big black bowl and put it in front of her. "The black bowl's in front of you." I said, grabbing her wrist and moving her hand to it.

"Okay." I looked at the sheet, "We need 3 cups of flour." I opened the bag of flour and the measuring cup, handing it to her. "I'll tell you when to stop."
She nodded, and put her hands over the bowl. She began shaking the bag and none of it went into the cup. "No no no no." I said, quickly tilting the bag up. "The cup's there."
"I can't see Max." She reminded me. I read her lips and laughed.
"Oh yeah. Just move the bag a bit forward. A tiny bit more... perfect. Now pour the flour into the cup, slowly."

Oneshots: Elmax / SillieWhere stories live. Discover now